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European agency from Vigo fishes for communication agency


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Communication Services (Lot 1) and Event Organisation Services (Lot 2) for EFCA

European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), Vigo – Spain

Framework contract 48-months long / total budget €4.145.000

LOT1 – Communication Services – €1.165.000

LOT2 – Event Organisation Services – €2.980.000

Deadline 6/2

Place of performance: The contractor shall be able to deliver the services or ordered items at the EFCA’s headquarters in Vigo unless otherwise requested. Most services are to be provided in Vigo and most deliveries are to be sent to Vigo.

The estimated distribution of deliveries among the different locations is as follows: LocationPercentage of the estimated overall volume of deliveries
Lot 1: Communication services for EFCA
Vigo70 %
Other EU Member State5%
Contractor premises/onlineThird country20 %5%
Lot 2: Event organisation services for EFCA
Vigo/ onsite, hybrid50 %
Brussels/ onsite, hybrid15 %
Any other EU Member State / onsite, hybrid25 %
Third country/ onsite, hybrid10 %


 Lot 1: Communication services for EFCA

In the context of its information and communication strategy, the EFCA is committed to operations which aim is to raise public awareness of the Common Fisheries Policy compliance, as well as of the European Coast Guard cooperation and other EU initiatives in which the EFCA is involved.

In its Communication Strategy, different tools, which require specialised services, are used, inter alia:

 EFCA website: It provides a single point of access to all relevant information, and a place to report about the control campaigns and international activities, post news and information for the media, publish calls for tenders, all job vacancies, project results and events. The site should always be up-to-date and its content should be addressing the needs of both specialised and

non-specialised audiences.

 Media kit: Press releases and whenever possible, footage and images are provided for the audio-visual media.

 Printed and Promotional Material: For the moment, the Agency’s publications are its Programming Document (Work programme), a short version of its Annual Report, and brochures for the general public or the media. Promotional material that can serve to build the image of the Agency is also developed. Most often, the material is distributed to Vigo except in particular occasions where the contractor may be asked to ship the material to another venue.

 Social media: The EFCA maintains a presence on social media channels in order to raise levels of awareness of its work. It also serves to multiply its opportunities to deliver messages, identify and engage with new audiences, and improve networking and collaboration. It permits public engagement with audiences and building a reputation for professionalism and transparency. Further, it strengthens the “employer image” by attracting new recruits or improving dissemination of calls for tenders. It also maximizes the potential reach of existing content by repurposing existing material, such as press releases or videos, and drives traffic to the Agency website, thereby attracting new users and enabling the understanding of the themes that are of most interest to the wider public.

 Videos: Given the increasing importance of visual communication today, video production is an important tool for EFCA communication.

Indicative statistics on the average need of Communication services by EFCA: Graphic design and prints, writing, editing and proofreading, for publications, infographics or other supports20% of the contract volume
Design and production of promotional material20% of the contract volume
Video, multimedia and photographic products20% of the contract volume
Digital Services including the provision of web & social media management services on-site for EFCA and consultancy services.40% of the contract volume

Lot 2: Event organisation services for EFCA

EFCA requires from the contractor to provide assistance and all services related to event organisation, management and follow up, particularly in the EU Member States but also all around the world.

EFCA´s growth has increased the needs in this area, which also affected the number of events and their nature. The type of services requested by EFCA could go from the partial management of certain aspects of the meetings, as well as the full organisation and follow up of the event.

The following is an indicative list of some of the events organised or supported by EFCA in 2022:

– Administrative Board of the EFCA (April and October 2022)

– Seminar of the Five-Year Evaluation of EFCA in Vigo (October 2022)

– Improved regional fisheries governance in western Africa (PESCAO project) trainings in Togo & Abidjan (March and December 2022)

– Steering group meetings several locations in an EU Member States and dates

– Black Sea meeting in Burgas (May 2022)

– Electronic exchange of Inspection & Surveillance Report (E-ISRN) meeting in Paris (October 2022) 

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