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Europarlament hledá “titulkovače” pro svá webová videa a multimediální produkty

Tendr: Titulkování redigovaných webových videí a multimediálních produktů pro Evropský parlament

Zadavatel : Evropský parlament, Brussels

Stručný popis: Účelem je zajištění včasného titulkování ve všech 24 úředních jazycích Evropské unie se schopností zahrnout nové a další jazyky v případě všech redigovaných webových obrazových a multimediálních produktů internetových a multimediálních služeb Evropského parlamentu.

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €2.000.000

Deadline: 16/11

SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT: The purpose is for the provision of timely translation and subtitling, for all 24 official European Union (EU) languages, with the ability to include new and additional languages, for all edited web video and multimedia products of the European Parliament’s web and multimedia services.

GENERAL  INFORMATION: The contractor will be responsible for the delivery of quality translations of a number of assets in relation to online edited video and multimedia products. These include, but are not limited to, the following assets:

•             Title

•             Short description

•             Full script (subtitles)

•             Keywords

•             Tags

•             Categories

The translated assets will have to be uploaded to a translation platform established for this specific purpose by an external provider.

The translation platform shall provide a dedicated service for the provision of translations by the contractor:

•             a back-office for automated uploads of translated content

•             a web interface for user-friendly translation and update of translated assets

•             integration of an ingest platform provided by a technical contractor (to which the videos will be uploaded and encoded) in order to allow an automated publishing workflow for the translations provided

•             the possibility to preview the video to be translated with and without the subtitles being translated

The contractor can be requested by the European Parliament to submit the translations by other electronic means such as email or online file transfer applications.

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