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EU Cybersecurity Agency seeks supplier of branded promotional material

Call: Production and supply of branded promotional material

Buyer: EU Agency for cybersecurity (ENISA), Greece

Maximum budget: € 300.000,00 over 4 years

Deadline: Nov 19, 2024

Details: The scope of this tender is the production and supply of high quality and environmentally friendly, branded promotional material including merchandised clothing and textile products using ENISA’s corporate visual identity (by including e.g. ENISA’s logo, website address, tag line, graphic motif etc.) in an efficient, timely and dependable manner.

This tender procedure covers the branding, production, delivery and other related services for various types of promotional, printed and “gadget” communication material according to ENISA’s current and future visual identity specifications.

The Agency expects to receive creative, innovative proposals for promotional goods, which fit, to the Agency’s scope of work. Before the production is launched, the tenderer will be obliged to present at least an electronic sample (proofs) or specimen, and in some cases physical samples, in order to obtain a final approval for production.

The Agency has the following general quality requirements for the promotional items:

Eco-friendly: recycled or organic content, eco-labelled products such as FSC, PEFC, EU Ecolabel, or equivalent sustainable objects; reduced packaging, biodegradable products and working conditions in production. Special attention must be given to products that help ENISA achieve a ‘greener’ approach.

Creative, innovative, attractive look: originality (unusual, outstanding design, novel communication approach, latest research trends (e.g. material), appealing design and fostering visibility in public.

Practical, useful, effective: promotional items should be both useful and specially designed to be used in the most visible way possible. They should also be durable rather than single-use.

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