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EU agency from Malta needs help with Social Media

Provision of Social Media Outreach Services for EASO

EASO — European Asylum Support Office, Malta

Duration in months: 48 / budget €340.000

Deadline 10/9

Short description: EASO is requesting the provision of social media outreach services for its Communications and Public Relations Unit (hereinafter ‘CPRU’). The envisaged services shall include several communication activities related to planning, implementation and management of paid social media campaigns, aimed at reinforcing the visibility of EASO. A consultancy service on these matters can also be required.

Task 1: creation, implementation and monitoring of social media ads/campaigns in various social networks.

Task 2: consultancy on social media advertising (i.e. with the aim of analysing performance, increasing ads performance, advice on effective keywords or provision of social media analytics). See tender documentation for better description.

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