Brussels connection

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Dublin-based EU agency looks for digital media publishers to engage in its promotion and marketing campaigns

Call for tenders: Subscription to blog platform for advertisement and dissemination
Budget €120.000 max

Technical specifications: Agency seeks to identify leading digital media publishers to engage in its promotion and marketing campaigns and activities, aimed at informing its stakeholders and target audiences in the socio-economic field across the 28 Member States of the European Union, about its work, new data, findings and analysis. The digital publishers would need to operate and manage a website with well-documented high traffic of relevant social policy-makers, commentators and practitioners across the EU28, which offers news and opinionated contributions or blog articles by leading commentators on issues related to living and working conditions in the EU. To that end, the media publisher should be able to offer Agency targeted and efficient banner advertisements on its website, aimed at driving traffic back to thematic landing pages and publication repositories. These digital advertisements can either be attractive illustrations, photos or motion graphics, and placed in traffic-generation places on the media publisher’s website. As these banner advertisements are important traffic-generating tools and form a central part of monthly promotion campaign focus, the media publisher will need to ensure a minimum of one banner advertisement campaign per month. The media publisher should also be able to actively promote reports highlighted in its banner advertisements by targeted email marketing to selected stakeholders and target audiences in the socio-economic field across the EU28. The media publisher will need to ensure a minimum of one email marketing campaign per month, driving on the banner advertisements in an efficient joined-up fashion.

Expected deliverables – In regards to the four tasks outlined in this tender, Agency expects the media publisher to deliver the following:
• Banner advertisement: o Clickable banner advertisements for each campaign, in the most appropriate electronic forma (illustration, photo, motion graphics, i.e. JPEG, PNG, MOV), at least one per month o Campaign metrics, i.e. click-through, open and engagement rates, to feed in real-time to Eurofound campaign monitoring tool.
• Email marketing: o Email marketing emails promoting campaign, at least one per month o Campaign metrics, i.e. click-through, open and engagement rates, to feed in real-time to campaign monitoring tool.
• Opinionated contributions or blog articles: o Ongoing editing services for an unlimited amount of opinionated contributions or blog articles o The publication of an unlimited amount of opinionated contributions or blog articles on the media publisher’s website o The rights for Agency to republish any or all opinionated contributions or blog articles on its own website and those of its partners and collaborators o Campaign metrics, i.e. click-through, open and engagement rates, to feed in real-time to Eurofound campaign monitoring tool.
• Writer training: o Minimum two one-day tailored writer training seminars per year, with o Follow-up by one-to-one coaching writer training via email, telephone or video-conference, to cater for individual requests.

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