Brussels connection

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Development, hosting and maintenance of NATO pension web portal



Call: Development, Hosting, Support and Maintenance of NATO Pensions Web Portal Solution

Contracting Authority: NATO HQ, Brussels

Deadline: 30/8 15:00

The purpose of this Request For Quotations is to award a contract for the provision of Services required for the development, hosting and maintenance of a web portal for the Coordinated Pension Scheme.

Statement of objectives:

1)            Corporate Objective: Ensure a cost-effective development, hosting, support, and maintenance of a web portal solution for the NPU through the best-value services of a world-class Contractor that helps the Organization achieving greater service excellence, efficiency, and effectiveness at a reasonable cost.

2)            Contract Objectives: Develop, host and maintain a web portal to support the objectives of the NPU by establishing a contract and associated Service Level Agreement for the provision of best-value and flexible Services that meet the Unit’s evolving needs and requirements.

3)            Management Objective: Allow the Contractor the maximum flexibility to innovatively manage its corporate resources, expertise, and subcontracts (if any) so as to provide a high-value contribution in support to the NATO’s corporate and contract objectives within existing constraints and a proper service management framework.

+++ The contractor is expected to work remotely and should only come to the NATO HQ site if it is required. Contractor’s personnel that require access to NATO classified information, NATO classified networks, or NATO HQ site for a period longer than 5 consecutive days must be in possession of a valid NATO security clearance up to NATO Secret level at least 30 days before beginning work on the project, which must remain valid throughout the period of the contract.+++

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