Brussels connection

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Design. Usability. External User functionality. Pro web jedné z agentur OSN v Bruselu

Tendr: Supply of Website Maintenance and Design
Contractor: UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)/Cities Alliance Secretariat, Brussels
RFQ deadline 7/5

Background: Cities Alliance, the global partnership promoting the role of cities in poverty reduction and sustainable development, requests the services of an expert website maintenance and design company for the purposes of executing design and functionality enhancements and updates to the current Cities Alliance website, on Drupal. The team does not intend to deviate dramatically from current agreed design but recognize the need to improve the look and feel of current design, while also correcting errors in the current functionality, display, and usability of the site.

Overall Objectives:
• Maintenance: ensure the website runs smoothly and that any technical issues are efficiently and swiftly dealt with.
• Design: improve and modernize the website through cosmetic changes. Changes will need to be made to the pre-programmed styling of fonts, text (size and style), bullet points, and titles.
• Usability: improve the editor functions that are currently used to create and update content on the website.
• External User functionality: improve the user functionality and experience with improvements to navigation, search functions, and the appearance of items on the site through the use of animations, collapsible menus, etc.

Expected outcome:
Ensure that Cities Alliance has a fully functional and professional website with an improved user experience both for the external audience and the content production team.

Technical Specifications:

  1. Design changes to be made and new features to be developed include, but are not limited to:
    • Create a dynamic menu
    • Improve the search function
    • Review and improve editor in page design
    • Create interactive maps
    • Create a photo gallery option and add photo library functionality
  2. System Requirements

• Drupal 8
• System must be compatible with all versions of major browsers released in the last five years:

  • Internet Explorer,
  • Microsoft Edge,
  • Mozilla Firefox,
  • Google Chrome,
  • Apple Safari
    • Device support for smartphone operating systems and browsers released in the last 3 years:
  • iOS,
  • Android,
  • Windows Mobile
    • Assets used must be free from copyright and royalty encumbrances, preferably those released in any of the following licenses:
  • Creative Commons
  • GPL or LGPL
  • MIT License
    • All source and working files should be turned over at the end of the project, in an unencrypted and unminified format
  1. Maintenance and Support
    • To perform any update on the Drupal Core or any other contributed modules based on the Weekly Security Advisories (
    • To perform the correction/revision/updates requested by Cities Alliance on the Cities Alliance website.
    • To estimate the effort and provide a correction plan of the mentioned issues (See above bullet)

Qualifications of the Bidder will be assessed as per below qualification criteria:
● Bidder must have a track record designing, developing, deploying and maintaining Drupal – based websites, with a broad understanding of industry trends and content management systems. Provide at least three Drupal-based recent examples (must include details on background information of project, problem(s) to address and solution delivered with impact indicators);
● Bidder should be recognized by W3, Clutch, Webby Awards AWWWARDS, or Techreviewer for achievements in web design in the past 5 years. Proof needs to be provided. Alternative equivalent certifications are reviewed on a case by case basis.

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