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Creation of a Media Environment Portal using SharePoint for NATO´s Joint Warfare Centre

Contract: for the creation of a Media Environment Portal using SharePoint 2016 or 2019 standalone

Contracting Authority: The Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) – Jåttå, Stavanger,

 Deadline 19/2

Background and Scope of Work: The JWC Media Simulation team requires a SharePoint site template (comprising of three sub-sites) for their media environment, as well as an image bank and thorough documentation, based on SharePoint (2016 standalone or 2019 standalone).The product must be an exportable SharePoint site, which can be moved to a classified, closed network and be fully maintained and further customized by the JWC webmaster. It is therefore also required that all documentation detailing the site customizations be handed over and briefed thoroughly to the JWC Webmaster.

It is of utmost importance that these sites/tools are built using only out of the box SharePoint functionality in order to be suitable for the classified environment. CSS and workflows created using SharePoint Designer can be included if necessary. Master pages must not be modified other than to reference a CSS file and JavaScript and any/or other development tools/functions cannot be used.

Third party tools, SharePoint add-ins or other Microsoft stand-alone tools which can be utilized to achieve the solution can be considered, but must first be vetted and approved by the appropriate NATO body.

The exercise media environment, which includes a group of three sites (NewsWeb, Chatter and Chatwalker), is meant to be copied, modified and re-created for each exercise. It is therefore requested that a reusable media environment site template (which includes three sub-sites) be created along with a single Image Bank to be used by all media environment sites. The site template and image bank must be exportable so that they can be easily uploaded to the SharePoint server on the classified network. The solution can be based on SharePoint 2016 or SharePoint 2019, depending on which is better suited to meet the requirements with the least amount of customization. In either case, the solution must work on either SharePoint 2016 or 2019 standalone platform, without access to any internet or cloud solutions. The Image Bank must be set up as a single resource for managing images and videos and for all future iterations of the media environment sites to use.

Required Qualifications:

– Past experience developing Microsoft SharePoint 2016 or 2019 solutions for industry clients.

– Expert knowledge in SharePoint tools and in building SharePoint solutions using out of the box, front-end functionalities

– Be able to create the solution using only out-of-the box SharePoint solutions and CSS or workflows using SharePoint Designer

– Experience in using CSS to modify and/or brand MS SharePoint 2016 or 2019 sites

– Experience in designing SharePoint solutions to manage data (documents, articles, images etc.) that can be used across different sites

Desirable Qualifications:

– Experience in customizing MS SharePoint 2019 communication hubs or creating similar communication or news sites in SharePoint 2016

– Expertise creating workflows in Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2013.

– Experience developing out of the box solutions using SharePoint 2016 or 2019

– on-premise server without access to cloud solutions.

The purpose of this Invitation for Bid process is to award a contract for the creation of a Media Environment Portal using SharePoint 2016 or 2019 standalone. Contract award shall be based upon the Technically Compliant, Lowest Priced bid. Contract Award is contingent upon funding availability; Partial bidding is not allowed. These services will be performed on a Firm Fixed Price basis.

The Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) – Jåttå, Stavanger, Norway (aligned as a subordinate command of Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT), Norfolk, Virginia, United States. JWC is NATO’s collective training and exercise facility at the strategic and operational level.

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