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Copywriting services for europarliaments S&D faction websites

The Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D Group) is planning to award a public contract relating to copywriting services for its websites. The contract will be divided into 10 lots. Global estimated value, excluding VAT: 1,440,000.00 EUR

Estimated value per language combination:

* Lot 1 From English to French 270,000€

* Lot 2 From English to German 270,000€

* Lot 3 From English to Italian 270,000€

* Lot 4 From English to Polish 270,000€

* Lot 5 From English to Spanish 270,000€

* Lot 6 From French to English 40,000€

* Lot 7 From German to English 40,000€

* Lot 8 From Italian to English 2,500€

* Lot 9 From Polish to English 2,500€

* Lot 10 From Spanish to English 5,000€

The total duration of the contract shall be 12 months, renewable yearly for a maximum period of 4 years.

The texts will be transmitted in English (with the exception of the occasional text in one of the other institutional languages. The copywriting and translation is needed to cover the six languages of the internet sites.

It is important to bring to the attention of interested parties and companies that it is not simply a tender for classic translations and editing service but for an interpretation in a journalistic style which is accessible to the general public.

The work involves: – awareness of issues in the press, good general culture and a very good knowledge of EU issues; – consultation of the Group’s style guide for the relevant languages; – possible information research for specific vocabulary; – consultation of institutional websites; – checking of links in the target language; – reading of Members’ reports; – checking of dates and facts; – thorough proofreading (the texts must be ready to upload).

The desired deadline for completing the work is 24 hours (1 day after receiving the text to translate) with a maximum of 48 hours.

Deadline 29/9

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