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Communication support in military style… if you like it

Call for: Provision of ‘Media and Communication Support’

Contracting Authority: European Defence Agency (EDA), Brussels

Framework Contract for 4 years / budget €2.500.000

Short description: The aim is to provide support in a wide range of media and communication disciplines, ranging from video and multimedia support, social media, publications and promotional materials, to event support.

Deadline 4/7

1.2. TASKS/SCOPE OF THE FRAMEWORK CONTRACT The contractor will provide support in a wide range of media and communication disciplines, ranging from video & multimedia support, social media, publications and promotional materials, to event support. The tasks listed hereunder are not exhaustive in nature and may be complemented by relevant services needed to complete the assignments entrusted to the contractor. The communication activities will be based on EDA’s work agenda. The Agency foresees regular communication opportunities via both on and off-line channels, as well as regular communication campaigns and ad hoc activities in Brussels and across the European Union. The main user of the Framework Contract will be EDA’s MCU (Media and Communication Unit). However, operational EDA Directorates may interface with the contractor for communication support, in close cooperation with the MCU. It must be noted that MCU continuously pays attention to – and is keen on – receiving expertise and guidance from contractors to solve certain issues or adapt to new technologies and trends.

1.2.1 Video & Multimedia Support The Agency regularly promotes its work, results and projects via dynamic video clips and multimedia animations for different audiences and channels. Existing examples are available on EDA’s YouTube channel, ( Services required • Provide proactive consultancy on new trends in video production, with targeted recommendations for EDA. • Develop concepts, ideas, scripts and storylines for audio-visual productions to imaginatively and effectively describe the work of EDA, of individual programmes and flagship events. • Produce video interviews, animated clips, animated banners, animated presentations, teasers, screencasts, including among others: o Multilingual and/or captioned versions; o Provision of live footage and raw material upon request; o Copyright clearance. • Video, audio and photo coverage of flagship events, e.g. EDA annual conference, in Brussels or elsewhere, possibly including web-streaming, with production of final promotional clips. • Produce animated graphics on specific projects. • Produce video infographics using data visualisation techniques (targeted for social media advertising).

1.2.2 Social media MCU manages the Agency’s online presence and as part of this activity uses different social media platforms to further raise awareness on its work. The primary platforms used are Twitter and LinkedIn, secondary channels are Instagram, YouTube and Flickr. MCU will occasionally require the contractor to provide specific support of EDA social media activities. Services required • Produce and edit content (posts, videos, infographics, animations, GIFs, etc.) for use on EDA social media platforms. • Act as the main buyer for EDA social media paid campaigns (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram). In coordination with MCU, help create target audiences for paid promotion and advice on where financial resources are best deployed based on the objectives for the campaign. • Develop and support social media campaigns for events, achievements, anniversaries, etc., across all EDA social media platforms. • Provide in-depth social media statistics as well as regular evaluation of EDA’s social media activities, in comparison with current trends and good practices. • Review EDA social media policy if needed and proactively advise EDA MCU on new developments on different social media platforms, including through tailor-made trainings.• Support further growth of social media channels with advice on verification, paid promotion, use of content.

1.2.3 Publications EDA regularly produces a variety of publications, to be distributed to EDA’s target audiences. The contractor will be responsible for the design, production and delivery of various types of publications, which can include leaflets, annual reports, project-specific brochures, factsheets, and our in-house magazine. EDA expects to receive creative and innovative proposals for the design and production of publications which thematically fit the Agency’s scope of work and are in line with its graphic charter. The contractor should be able to propose and produce publications to the quality standards of the Agency, in terms of design and aesthetics, materials, originality and practicality among others. Services required • Review & update of the current graphic charter adding new guidelines for a number of formats or sections. • Graphic design and layout of materials including invitations, annual reports, brochures, magazines, leaflets, exhibition stands, internet banners, conference programmes, posters, flyers, roll-up banners. • Create illustrations, infographics. • Find, purchase and adapt royalty-free images as requested. • Print the above-listed publications/material. All print material shall meet high quality standards, including, among others, environmental and sustainability criteria, colour and font matching, and clear and legible proofs. The tenderer shall possess the ability to digitally edit files for maximum quality and resolution, as well as simulation software to submit proofs for the Agency’s approval before proceeding to printing. The tenderer may also be requested to submit samples of the printable material (paper in different qualities and colours, textile etc.) before production, in order for the Agency to choose the most suitable. • Make recommendations for and support EDA publications online (i.e. webzines, digital reports). • Mail and dispatching (printing of labels, dispatching publicity material and invitations). • Information gathering, content editing/copywriting, translation. • Database management for postal distribution.

1.2.4 Promotional materials EDA expects to receive creative and innovative proposals for the production and delivery of promotional goods, which thematically fit the Agency’s scope of work: security and defence in Europe. The contractor should be able to propose and produce materials to the quality standards of the Agency in terms of design and aesthetics, materials, originality, practicality, sustainability and environmental standards, among others. Promotional material should ideally be produced in the European Union. The contractor must fully respect EDA’s graphic charter. Services required • Proposing and producing branded material and promotional items for distribution to internal and external target groups.

1.2.5 Event support The Agency requires support for on average ten (10) physical, hybrid or virtual events, conferences, seminars, workshops and participation in exhibitions or trade fairs throughout the year, in Brussels and across the European Union. The largest yearly event is the Agency’s annual conference, which is usually held in quarter 4 of each year. The contractor may be requested to deliver only a part of the event organisation, e.g. catering, location scouting, etc. or in rare cases the organisation of an event as a whole. Services required • Event concept and planning in cooperation with EDA for physical, hybrid or virtual events. • Identifying and renting suitable event venues. • Provision and overall management event services, including but not limited to: o Dedicated on-site support staff with proven experience (hostesses, cloakroom attendants, waiters, etc.); o Audiovisual support for virtual or hybrid meetings; o Online registration support (management & process automation); o Catering services (coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, receptions) outside EDA premises including provision of equipment and personnel; o Renting of furniture (chairs, stage, speaker chairs, lecterns) and audio-visual equipment (e.g. sound, recording, beamers, lighting, music, IT equipment, etc.); o Travel and accommodation arrangements for guests, speakers, moderators, participants where necessary, including shuttle services for guests, participants and speakers; o Translation and interpretation services. Special attention should be given to usually heightened security aspects of EDA’s events which require the contractor to closely work together or follow security instructions by the EDA security team. The tenderer should prove its ability to organise and run an event in any of EDA’s Member States.

1.2.6 Strategic communication outreach to Member States MCU aims at increasing its communication outreach to EDA’s Member States in order to raise their awareness and knowledge about the Agency’s activities and EU defence cooperation in general. EDA requires the contractor to provide services that are ostensibly covered by interinstitutional contract 21.TT-MCU.IP.600 (COMM/2020/OP/0030) but are, in reality, unsuitable for the Agency. The contractor will provide support to further build and set up reliable and strategic partnership relations with Member States’ Ministries of Defence, as well as other national defence-related organisations and communities. Services required – Strategic advice on outreach activities, including the organisation of communication activities with media teams in the Member States. – Mapping of potential outreach partners in the EDA Member States including defence experts, think tankers, non-traditional media and other multipliers. – Building relationships through regular sharing of content and provision of supporting social media services in order to boost visibility and engagement; – Devising, setting-up, organising and providing follow-up for media visits, seminars and other similar actions, including content creation and accompanying communication support.

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