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Cloud video conferencing services for UNFPA, Copenhagen


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Tendr: Establishment of a Long Term Agreement for Cloud Video Endpoint Subscription

Contracting Authority: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Copenhagen DK

Deadline: 28/2

Background: UNFPA is an international development agency that works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.  Through its field offices, UNFPA provides support to 154 developing and transitional countries and territories: 45 in sub-Saharan Africa, 36 in Arab States, Europe and Central Asia, 37 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 36 in Asia and the Pacific.


* 3 years experiences, min 3 references with similar scale and functionality

* cloud video conferencing services and solutions are the bidder’s key core business services

* cloud video conferencing solution is supported by vendor’ dedicated global network

* members of dedicated team to manage UNFPA contract to be assigned with clearly defining their role and responsibility – Technical Support, Account Management, and Billing

List of videoconference equipment to be managed:

 8 x  Tandberg MXP Edge 95

 2 x  CISCO C40

 20 x CISCO SX20

 4 x CISCO SX80

 6 x CISCO Room Kit Plus P60 

Note: 1. Equipment is globally located ( Africa, Asia, S. America) and location has not be a requirement for Cloud Video Endpoint Subscription 2. CISCO NBD ECDN licenses for  SX20, SX80, Rom Kit Plus P60 to managed by Vendor 3. Vendor to be responsible for Management and Maintaining of Video Endpoints and perform operations such upgrades, configurations, resets  etc.

Mandatory features: Vendor has to describe the following mandatory features with their responses, in the technical proposal.  All mandatory features listed below must be offered with the proposed Cloud Video Endpoint Subscription solution.  Proposals that do not offer all listed mandatory features will not be considered further.

 Cloud Video Endpoint Subscription Features

 Unlimited and unrestricted calling

 HD resolution, 1080p

 Phone book support

 Ease of Administration Online dashboard that gives the ability to pull in-depth reports on statistics like user and VCE participation as well as call and device usage. 

 Security Support for secure firewall traversal. Support for encryption 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) end-to-end calling.

 Interoperability Supports any-to-any connectivity irrespective of devices, including video systems, laptops, tablets and smartphones manufacturers and solutions, such ZOOM, BlueJeans, Webex, etc.

 Advanced Bandwidth Control Ensures optimal bandwidth utilization to deliver carrier-grade, best-quality call completion and video collaborative communications over any network and any protocol

 SIP & H.323 Integration SIP and H.323 support for third party integration

 Robust and Reliable Reliability with hot standby functionality for high availability delivering 24×7 Service. 

 High Availability Redundant deployment (primary / secondary) for service preservation. Geographic redundancy for additional service preservation at a backup location.

 Comprehensive Traffic Management Delivers comprehensive, intelligent backbone management of multimedia communication networks.

 Management and Technical support, including 

 Monitoring to continuously check availability status and report problems 

 Centralized access to gather system information from a single point

Note:   Equipment is globally located ( Africa, Asia, S. America) and equipment location should not be a requirement or condition for Cloud Video Endpoint Subscription  CISCO NBD ECDN licenses for  SX20, SX80, Rom Kit Plus P60 and C40 to be purchased and managed by Vendor  Vendor to be responsible for Management and Technical support of Video Endpoints and perform operations such upgrades, configurations, resets , RMA etc. as required

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