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Centrála NATO plánuje tendr na nový e-procurement portál



RFI: NATO HQ Business Opportunities Portal Solution (NATO BizOpps)

Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels

Request for Information: zatím jde o “průzkum trhu”, nicméně účastníci tohoto předkola budou vyzváni k osobní prezentaci a následně k účasti v samotném tendru

Background: The main purpose of this RFI is to explore the solutions that are available in the market to run the NATO HQ BizOpps Portal (E-procurement) tool and to validate the procurement requirements and strategy for this solution.

Deadline: Responses to this RFI must be received by the point of contact specified above, not later than 20 May 2020 at 15:00 (Brussels Time).

Požadavky RFI:

Describe the solution that could satisfy NATO’s requirements for the NATO HQ BizOpps Portal.

Provide high-level information about the stated solution, its functional and technical features in relation to Annex A, and relevant prerequisites, compliance and constraints. Please provide full details of IT architecture requirements (notably in terms of clients, network, servers, other pre-requisites) and capacity requirements that must be provided by NATO.

Specify any specific requirements or conditions stated in Annex A that cannot be met by the proposed solution.

Provide a high-level description of the standard methodology for the implementation and associated timeline of your solution.

Do you use your own resources to implement and configure the solution according to specific client’s requirements or do you rely on other firms or implementation partners to do that? If you rely on other firms for the implementation of the solution, please provide the contact details of your preferred implementation partners.

Provide a high-level cost estimate for the proposed solution. Such estimate should include information on the implementation fees (e.g., design, development, and testing) and the annual fees (e.g., license fee, support fees, professional service fees etc.)

How long has your software been in use and when is the next foreseeable upgrade? 

What is the process for keeping the software up-to-date? Do updates interfere with user usage?

Describe the support model, organization, services and resources you would provide to meet the stated support and services requirements, including security constraints.

Describe relevant provisions for the contract type, compensation arrangement, license scheme and limitation(s) for users (if any), license term and attach any relevant terms and conditions (e.g., related to license grant, warranties, indemnities, limitation of liability etc.).

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