Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: Rada Evropy

  • Zakázka: Systém pro webové telekonference Zadavatel: Rada Evropy, Štrasburk Pokrytí: Všechny budovy Rady Evropy + její pracoviště po celém světě Jazyk: francoužština nebo angličtina Technical specifications: The  web  conferencing  system  chosen  by  the  Council  of  Europe  must comprise BlueJeans* software solutions, its Kit intel Nuc operating system, its Full HD camera and its Dolby extension.…

  • Tendr: IT aplikace  (design, development and deployment) Zadavatel: Rada Evropy (Council of Europe) – European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare Tendr bude mít 4 fáze: Stage 1: The Contracting Authority shall draw up a provisional shortlist of minimum two candidates whose bids best respond to the eligibility and award criteria. These candidates…

