Call: Capacity building programme for management and leadership
Zadavatel: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency – UN agency, Vienna)
Deadline: 17/11
Technical Evaluation criteria:
a) Understanding of SoW requirements. Proposed Solution/Approach;
b) Company experience in providing similar training/programme to the IAEA and other international organizations/companies (based on references); and
c) Proposed coaches possess minimum 3 years of active experience in providing similar training/programmes to senior management level (based on CV’s and references).
The capacity building programme will cover approximately 10 staff members currently in Senior Management roles (i.e. Directors and other selected target staff) within the Department.
Objectives – Through the delivered services requested in the present SOW, IAEA wants to achieve the following objectives:
Build understanding within the IAEA SG management team of the level of managerial competency expected of them and agree on the current baseline competency within SG, with a particular emphasis on collaboration and teamwork.
Facilitate reflection and discussion of the key management issues within the SG management team and agreement on an overall set of development goals.
Provide a set of confidential customized coaching sessions that management team members can use to work towards the agreed objectives.
Facilitate a stock-taking process whereby the SG management team can identify progress made and next steps for maintaining a strong management practice in SG.
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