Brussels connection

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Big IT. Big money. DG DIGIT opens MAIA tender


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IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support (MAIA)

Buyer: European Commission, DG DIGIT – Digital Services, Brussels

Framework contract – duration: 36 months

Deadline: 7/3

Lot 1 – IS development, maintenance, migrations to cloud, operations and support predominantly in AWS.

Estimated value without VAT: EUR 50.207.079

This lot will result into a single framework contract and will allow for the conclusion of specific contracts with a value up to EUR 300,000 per year.

Lot 2 – IS development, maintenance, migrations to cloud, operations and support predominantly in Azure.

Estimated value without VAT: EUR 50.000.017

This lot will result into a single framework contract and will allow for the conclusion of specific contracts with a value up to EUR 300,000 per year.

Lot 3 – Development, maintenance, migration to cloud, support and operations of IS that are either cloud agnostic or deployed in cloud providers different from AWS and Azure.

Estimated value without VAT: EUR 50.203.995

This lot will result into a single framework contract and will allow for the conclusion of specific contracts with a value up to EUR 300,000 per year.

 Lot 4 – Development, maintenance and related operations and support for predominantly non-cloud IS

Estimated value without VAT: EUR 50.187.879

This lot will result into a single framework contract and will allow for the conclusion of specific contracts with a value up to EUR 300,000 per year.

Lot 5 – Non-cloud IS support and operations for predominantly non-cloud IS

Estimated value without VAT: EUR 50.120.869

This lot will result into a single framework contract and will allow for the conclusion of specific contracts with a value up to EUR 300,000 per year.

Lot 6 – IT services including IS development, maintenance, migrations, support and operations for Cloud and non-cloud:

Estimated value without VAT: EUR 290.371.157

This lot will result into a multiple framework contract and will allow for the conclusion of specific contracts with a value up to EUR 5,000,000 per project.

A single framework contract will be concluded with one contractor for each of the Lots from Lot 1 to Lot 5. Specific contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the terms laid down in the framework contract, refined or, in duly justified circumstances, supplemented to reflect the particular circumstances of the specific contract. The details are set out in the draft FwC.

A multiple framework contract will be concluded for Lot 6, in the form of separate but identical contracts with 20 contractors at most, provided that there are enough tenderers whose tenders are retained after the evaluation.

Economic and financial capacity: Tenderers must comply with the following selection criteria in order to prove that they have the necessary economic and financial capacity to perform the contract.

Lots 1 to 5

Criterion F1: Minimum level of capacity – Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years above EUR 33,000,000.

Lot 6

Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years above EUR 100,000,000.

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