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AV produkce, animace, infografika pro Radu Evropy na dlouhodobý kontrakt

Tendr: Audiovizuální produkce, animace, infografika (Framework contract)

Zadavatel: Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Rámcový kontrakt na 5 let. Každý z uchazečů se může hlásit o jeden nebo vice lotů.

Jazyk_ angličtina nebo francoužština

Deadline: 31. ledna

Zakázka bude rozdělena na pět částí, podle typu výsledných produktů:

Lot 1 Interview: Experts drawn from all 47 member states participate in committee meetings and events in Strasbourg and elsewhere throughout the year. They are regularly recorded explaining or commenting on matters relating to their work and area of expertise, particularly in relation to specific news events or regular reports. This production includes the hiring of a journalist to ask questions and/or a cameraman in Strasbourg or elsewhere in the Council of Europe’s 47 member states. Editing of an interview would be expected to take no more than one day, according to the complexity of the work.

The Council of Europe itself currently produces 30-50 interviews with experts and 20-30 interviews with staff every year (duration 1-8 minutes). The intention is now to outsource most of this work.

Lot 2 Outside Live Broadcast via Social Media: Although currently rare, the Council of Europe is increasingly expected to broadcast live via social media, statements, interviews and debates from conferences and events in its 47 member states.  In addition to filming and broadcasting, this production may require a journalist to ask questions.

Lot 3 Journalistic Report or Short Documentary: A journalistic report or short documentary film for the Council of Europe takes a story related to human rights, democracy and the rule of law and explores it in greater depth, placing it in context, providing analysis and human interest.

The Council of Europe produces approximately 10 journalistic reports or documentaries every year (duration 2 to 3 minutes).

Lot 4 Advertising Video: An advertising video is designed to attract the attention of an external audience, in a creative and attractive way. It addresses an aspect of the Council of Europe’s work or a specific message. Originality and creativity are key requirements, and the video should be well suited for distribution via social media.

The Council of Europe produces approximately 5 shorter advertising videos every year.

Lot 5 Infographic/Animation: An infographic or animation takes a specific message or piece of information relating to an aspect of the Council of Europe’s work or standards and presents it in a succinct, clear way so that an external audience can better understand it. Originality and creativity are key. The video should be well suited for distribution via social media.

The Council of Europe intends to increase production of infographics and animations annually (duration 30 to 180 seconds).

The Council of Europe (CoE) wishes to launch a call for tender in order to establish a multibeneficiary (minimum 3 providers) framework contract for audio-visual productions with ranking according to the technical and financial criteria defined for this call for tenders.

Shortlisted tenderers may be invited to present their offer followed by negotiating. 

Responses to this invitation to tender will be evaluated by the Council of Europe and should lead to award a framework contract for a period from 1 March 2020 to 28 February 2025.

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