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AI Alerting Platform to provide the NATO HQ with the international political, military, economic and terrorist insights



Provision of an Open Source Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Alerting Platform as SaaS

Contracting Authority: NATO HQ, Brussels

Deadline: April 3rd

NATO intends to award a one year contract, with the possibility to extend the initial contract duration through the exercise of four one-year extension options


2.1.        Corporate Objective

2.1.1.    Ensure a cost-effective implementation and support of a new alerting and notification solution (hereby referred to as the OSINT AI Alerting Platform, or the Solution) for the NATO Headquarters through the best-value services of a world-class contractor. The Solution must be functional in providing information relevant for NATO’s Situational Awareness and enabling the NATO HQ SITCEN to promptly notify political and military authorities within NATO HQ of information concerning the international political, military, economic, terrorist, and general situation.

2.2.        Contract Objective

2.2.1.    Acquisition and implementation of a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software solution, to be provided as a SaaS, to assist the SITCEN Watch in the discovery and broadcast of alerts of critical information concerning the international political, military, economic, terrorist, and general situation, and to notify NATO HQ officials of any occurrence of interest, and to distribute urgent information to NATO HQ officials and staff, in particular after office hours. The functionalities must meet the following high-level requirements (the full spectrum of the solution scope and requirements are available at Annex B of this document): Use a variety of communication means that must include, at the minimum: smartphone push notification to a downloadable app to NATO-issued and personal smartphones, desktop alerts to a web-based application, and e-mail alerts. Monitor a significant, representative percentage of all open source information available on the internet (primarily, but not limited to, news organizations, social network platforms, other open source intelligence sources, etc.) and use artificial intelligence to alert the user of critical information requirements as described above. It should automatically detect incidents and events that may occur worldwide that are of interest to the Alliance. The solution must filter monitored content, so to display only content that is relevant for NATO. Pre-defined and user-defined filters should be able to be comprehensive and user-friendly, including subjective on the type of event (military, terrorist, economic, political, etc.), and the location of the event (country, region, body of water, etc.). A web-based, user-friendly dashboard with a geographic display showing alerts is required.  The solution is required to be able to automatically geo-locate or geo-code these events. The solution must provide access via username/password logon. NATO intents to purchase a minimum of 20 user licenses  during the base contract period with the possibility of expanding the user base, both within NATO HQ and possibly subordinate strategic commands, if required by future requirement changes. The solution should use the English language, and be able to automatically translate content from foreign languages into English.

2.3.        Management Objective

2.3.1.    Allow the Contractor the maximum flexibility to innovatively manage its corporate resources and expertise to provide a high-value contribution in support to the NATO’s corporate and contract objectives within existing constraints and a proper service management framework.


3.1.        General requirements

3.1.1.    The contractor must appoint a day-to-day account manager as ‘key personnel’ to deliver contract requirements accurately and on time. A deputy account manager must be appointed as ‘back-up personnel’ to cover unexpected unavailability of the key personnel. The key personnel and back-up personnel must possess the same or similar competencies.

3.1.2.    The contractor must appoint a “security point of contact” for any security related issues (e.g. security incident, security investigation). This individual can be the designated account manager and/or the back-up. In case a different individual is proposed, he/she must have the specific requirements stated in paragraphs 3.2.2. and 3.2.5. below.

3.2.        Specific requirements. 

Both key personnel and back-up personnel form the implementation team that will work on the solution’s implementation, in either physical presence at NATO HQ or remotely at the contractor’s offices.  They must have generic qualification requirements established in the contract for the general performance of this contract. They must both:

3.2.1.    Have a minimum of three years’ experience of using the proposed solution or with a similar open source platform. They must have robust social media monitoring, web crawling and open source intelligence skills, and a thorough understanding of their artificial intelligence algorithms, in order to advise NATO users on best practices.

3.2.2.    Be proficient in English equivalent to or higher than NATO Standardised Level Profile 3, 3, 3, 3 (e.g. listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills must be good) set out in NATO STANAG 6001. 

3.2.3.    Be contactable by telephone to support questions or training requests from NATO (that can be delivered separately by training personnel), and to update NATO on product developments.

3.2.4.    For business continuity purposes, the contractor must provide contact details for the account manager and deputy account manager. This means an email address and a landline/mobile phone for each person.

3.2.5.    Be nationals of a NATO member country.

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