Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Agentura Galileo hledá doktora

Evropská agentura GSA alias Galileo se sídlem v Praze na metru Vltavská hledá doktora. Měl by si umět najít čas a energii na tyto činnosti:

(i) pre-recruitment medical examination of candidates,

(ii) annual medical check-up of GSA’s staff members,

(iii) seasonal influenza vaccination,

(iv) medical advisor services,

(v) participation in meetings with the GSA’s management,

(vi) granting access to and submission of medical files to GSA staff member and candidates,

(vii) submission of medical files to the GSA.

S vítězem tendru podepíše GSA kontrakt na 4 roky. Horní limit rozpočtu je €90.000.

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