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[the one that wins]

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Agentura Frontex z Varšavy potřebuje firmu na vývoj SW, na 4 roky, zaplatí €16 milionů



Tendr: Poskytování služeb vývoje softwaru (Frontex/OP/300/2019/SB)
Zadavatel: Agentura Frontex, Varšava

Popis Předmětem zakázky je poskytování služeb vývoje softwaru s ohledem na odborné zdroje, zkušenosti organizovaných týmů v oblasti poskytování softwaru, osvědčené metodologie vývoje softwaru a vývoje nástrojů na nejvyšší možné úrovni vyspělosti v rámci zakázek na základě pevné ceny, stanoveného času a prostředků a na základě vymezeného času a prostředků, jak je popsáno v podmínkách kompetence.

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídek: 30/9

Doba trvání kontraktu: 4 roky (2+1+1)

Budget: €16.000.000

Typ kontraktu: Rámcová smlouva s opětným otevřením soutěže (tzn. v tendru bude vybráno 3-6 nejlepších, ti budou později oslovováni, aby podali nabídku do jednotlivých “mini-soutěží”/Specific Contracts) – (pozn: Frontex will conclude a Multiple Framework Contract with reopening of competition with the selected Tenderers on the basis of the draft contract included in Annex V to the Invitation to tender. .. The Multiple Framework Contract will be concluded with minimum 3 and maximum 6 contractors.)

Základní požadavky pro vstup do tendru:

* Financial and economic capacity: The average annual total turnover over the last 3 closed financial years must be greater than €2.000.000

* Personnel capacity and technical ability (All the following criteria must be met):

• The offered resources must be fully compliant with the requirements set for the corresponding professional profiles described in Appendix 3 to TOR – Staff Profiles.

• Sufficient internal capacity in terms of qualified human resources, whose number must be at minimum such as described in the Annex VI Technical Proposal document chapter 1.2.2 “Required number of eligible personnel”.

• The fluctuation of the Tenderer engineering personnel cannot be higher than 30% in the recent 2 years.

• The Contractor shall provide professional training (excluding administrative trainings) in the domain of competency appropriate to the profile to personnel offered for the FWC at minimum of 5 training days per year on average during the recent 2 years.

* Professional experience (All the following criteria must be met):

• The Tenderer must have at least three years of professional experience in providing similar services.

• The Tenderer must have successfully completed in the last three years at least 5 projects for the development of custom software, which have been accepted/approved by the clients and which had a minimum value of 200 000 EUR each. At least 2 of these projects shall be for web-based software developed in .net technology and at least 3 of these projects shall be led in SCRUM framework.

* Required number of the eligible personnel:

•             Project Manager (PM): 2

•             Business Analyst (BA): 1

•             Systems Analyst (SA): 1

•             Senior Developer (SD): 2

•             Junior Developer (JD): 4

•             Solution Architect (SARCH): 1

•             GUI Specialist (GUI): 1

•             Test Specialist (TS): 1

•             Technical Writer (TW): 1

•             Trainer (TR): 1

•             Scrum Master (SM): 1

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