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Agentura EFCA ze španělského Viga potřebuje zlepšit ICT infrastrukturu



Vývoj softwaru a služby informačních technologií

Evropská agentura pro kontrolu rybolovu, Vigo, Španělsko

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €3.100.000

Deadline 13/5

Popis zakázky: In the upcoming years, EFCA’s activities will be evolving alongside the needs of the Member States regarding the EU Common Fisheries Policy. To achieve this, EFCA has initiated a transformation of its information system by streamlining the business processes and introducing new technologies, in order to achieve the two main IT-related objectives of the ongoing Multiannual work programme 2018-2020:

1- Delivery and enhancements of the data management systems suite and architecture;

2- Enhancements of EFCA ICT infrastructure, continuity and security for operational and corporate systems, see quote below (Chapter 2.2 – Enhancement of capacity building instruments, (E) & (F)2):

“E. Delivery and enhancements of the data management systems suite and architecture

• Fisheries related data available for EFCA activities including European Union Cost Guard (EUCG) functions.

• Maintenance and enhancement of the services facilitating access to data on fishing activities and control is a key component of EFCA’s business, which in turn assists in the setting up of remote operational coordination facilities and, streamlining EFCA’s operations. EFCA has adopted a strategic approach to the development of supporting applications, where projects and activities have been converging towards the implementation of an integrated EFCA information system;

• Enhancement, maintenance, integration of the suite of operational systems: VMS, EFCA-IMS, EIR, ERS, Jade and FISHNET.

F. Enhancements of EFCA ICT infrastructure, continuity and security for operational and corporate systems

• This 3-year plan includes the move to” Infrastructure as a Service” approach and the deployment of EFCA servers in another hosting site in accordance with the mandate given by the Administrative Board to develop synergies with other agencies and EU bodies and improve business continuity;

• Parallel development and maintenance of corporate IT support systems for EFCA will continue (e.g. Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), website, e-administration), along with the maintenance and update of existing systems, and improvement of EFCA operation room facilities;

• Interoperability with EC and use of applying DG DIGIT framework contracts;

• IT cooperation with EUIPO and other European Agencies;

• The continuation of the development of and adaptation to the enterprise architecture (EA);

Data analytics, migration to the cloud and other data lake/data warehouse implementation are some of the foreseen projects, aiming to improve internal IT services towards the EFCA units, while providing value-added services to the Member States. Furthermore, EFCA is looking to continue strengthening the Corporate Information System. Several projects are ongoing or will start in the near future.

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