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A ještě jeden projekt “jak prodat evropskou vědu”

Evropská komise by ráda trochu “zviditelnila” vědecké projekty, které financuje přes European Research Council a prakticky nikdo o nich neví. Pro akci na “hledání nových a efektivních způsobů komunikace” nabízí €1.600.000. Deadline tendru 16/12.

Ze zadání: The ERC wishes to support an ambitious series of communication actions to promote and raise awareness of ERC-funded projects and results across Europe to as wide an audience as possible, including: scientists, students, media, policy-makers, the business community and the general public. The actions will go beyond traditional scientific conferences and take a novel and creative approach with the following characteristics: * spreading new ideas in science; * reaching a very wide public of specialists and non-specialists and new audiences at both European and local levels; * holding frequent, regular events throughout the duration of the campaign; * being based on carefully selected ERC projects and grantees, from a range of countries and disciplines; * ensuring visibility across Europe, covering different countries and languages; * ensuring further dissemination and strong follow-up beyond events through audio-visual, web and social media activities. Actions may include: * events to showcase selected ERC-funded results in the form of short, powerful and engaging talks given by ERC grantees; * popular science activities linked to science festivals, centres and/or museums, which are successful platforms to popularize and disseminate science among non-specialists; * cooperation with existing networks of universities, learned societies and science academies to establish ERC online lectures involving ERC grantees.

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