Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

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Grafický design pro Agenturu EU pro bezpečnost letectví

Tendr: Grafické rozvržení, návrh a výroba tištěných a elektronických materiálů

Zadavatel: Agentura Evropské unie pro bezpečnost letectví

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €300.000

Deadline Nov 13

Description of the Subject and Scope of the Contract – The main subject of the envisaged contract shall be the provision of the following services:

 Layout services to obtain ready-to-print/ready-to-publish in the web as well as quality-optimised deliverables in the format requested by the Agency which encompasses graphic design in accordance with the EASA Brandbook (i.e. in line with standards for EASA colours, font, logo usage). Currently, EASA is providing the source text, the concept and some templates based on Adobe InDesign but the deliverables may be requested in any other mainstream graphic design application;

 Digital printing, copying, production and finishing services.

As a part of the main subject the successful tenderer will be also required to provide support to further develop the Agency’s print and digital output by improving templates based on the EASA Brandbook for both paper and digital publishing, for – but not limited to – the following services and products:

 Preparing style guides for event-related material, campaigns, publication series;

 Preparing artworks, developing and implementing illustrations, graphs, pictures;

 Purchasing through or liaising with third parties like stock photo agencies upon request;

 Any other design related service requested by the Agency;

 Proof reading services and quality checks in line with EASA corporate design guidelines.

The services shall be offered for, but not limited to, the following products:

 Reports and brochures;

 Leaflets, flyers, factsheets and other information material;

 Conference documents and presentation material;

 Newsletters and magazines;

 Infographics, GIFs;

 Posters and other promotional material, including outdoor banners and exhibition banners;

 Photo prints;

 3D prints;

 Postcards, invitations, envelopes, stickers and other corporate stationery (e. g. business cards, certificate paper, envelopes, letter-headed paper);

 Other products/services if complementing specific projects (e.g. paper bags, USB sticks).

The tenderer shall be required to lay out publications in accordance with the corporate brandbook and corporate style guidelines.

For reference, EASA Brandbook and logo:

The tenderer shall be able to offer layout and production services in all current and any possible future official languages of the European Union, as well as Norwegian and Icelandic (non-EU EASA Member States) and the languages of the current candidate countries18.

For reference, lists of existing EASA publications are available at:

General publications:

Technical publications:

Exchange of electronic files during contract implementation shall be done through the EASA FileBox system or any secure platform approved by the Agency for up- and download of data.

The contractor may also be requested to submit samples of the printable material (paper in different qualities, colours etc.) before production, free of charge, in order for the Agency to choose the most suitable material.

The contractor shall be required to pack products in a recycled stable cardboard prior to a dispatch of products to EASA´s premises or other locations. The use of plastic foils shall be avoided.

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