Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Zakázka na deset tisíc sluchátek pro OSN – zájemci?



Zadavatel: United Nations Secretariat, Ženeva – Švýcarsko

RFI – deadline 22/3

Hlavní technické požadavky:

– the listening shells must be dismountable in three parts: the shell, the cable and the earphone,

– the shells must be of plastic, molded in one part, washable in an industrial machine,

– the cable must be equipped with an angled stereo jack 3.5 connector with earphone support

molded with the cable, and on the other side of a gilded and molded “2-pin” plug,

– the magnetic button-type receiver must have the following characteristics:

 – impedance (at 1 kHz) of 32 ohms (Ω),

 – 50 mVA power supply

 – sensitivity (ref 1mW / 1kHz): min. 85dBA

– frequency response (0db @ 1kHz): 200Hz – 10kHz

 – attenuation max. at 10kHz: 10dB

 – diameter of 20.7mm ± 1mm

– The whole shell + magnetic receiver must not exceed the weight of 25 grams

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