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Website development for the International Bureau of Education of UNESCO

Call: Provision of Website Development

Contracting Authority: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – International Bureau of Education (UNESCO – IBE, Geneva)

Deadline 10/4
Description: This RFP seeks to hire a contractor who can:
* Establish a visual identity for the IBE brand that can be used on the website initially and across all aspects of the IBE-UNESCO ultimately.
* Advise the IBE-UNESCO on website design and architecture to meet the above needs
* Design an elegant, efficient, user-friendly, dynamic and interactive website based on a WordPress CMS or a better CMS that meets the above-specified requirements.
* Host all IBE-UNESCO flagship programs and anticipate future ones.
* Provide training and post go-live support during the first half-year of the use of the website.
* Develop design templates that form the foundation of a dynamic website capable of improvement and constant self-renewal without requiring a complete redesign.

The IBE-UNESCO requires that the development is delivered: 1) Speedily, within 3 months of IBE-UNESCO appointing a web developer and agreeing a specification. The IBE-UNESCO would like the development process to culminate in a phased July 2018 launch. It is therefore expected that the contractor will begin work immediately after signing of the contract. 2) At a value-for-money cost.

All other details can be found here.

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