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Web pro mezinárodní síť “kontrolorů nezávadnosti potravin”

Tendr: Development of the INFOSAN Community Website v2.0

Zadavatel: WHO – World Health Organization, Řím

Place of performance: Remotely

Deadline 15/12

Hodnocení: kvalita 60% x cena 40%

The objective of the new INFOSAN (the International Food Safety Authorities Network) Community Website (ICW) is to allow an international set of users (currently 600+) supported by a central secretariat to share urgent information during food safety incidents, discuss issues, share key documents and to work together in groups. The new website will be a further development of the existing INFOSAN Community Website, although it is expected that this will need to be fundamentally re-written in an application that is fit for the future, using modern approaches that will be intuitive and simple for users and so ensures increased participation and additional benefits.

The work will include (but not be limited to):

–              Functional, user interface and technical design for all components of the ICW according to detailed specifications provided by the INFOSAN Secretariat;

–              Development and thorough testing of all components;

–              Interim launch of the new INFOSAN Community Website to allow user acceptance testing;

–              Rollout of the INFOSAN Community Website to the intended users, including training documentation and support to the INFOSAN Secretariat.

–              Transfer of all content in current INFOSAN Community Website to v2.0

–              Knowledge transfer to INFOSAN Secretariat and WHO IT staff to facilitate future maintenance.

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