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Weather and climate web-based chatbot. To develop



Development and Implementation of a Climate and Weather Chatbot for Destination Earth

Buyer: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Germany, Bonn

Budget €500.000

Deadline: 17/07/2024

Description: The main deliverable of this contract is a weather and climate web-based chatbot that needs to cover a wide variety of use-cases. The individual components should consist of: (i) a Large Language Model (LLM), (ii) a system for requests to the LLM, (iii) a system to create, execute and process relevant data requests, and (iv) a web interface. The development of the chatbot will be structured through use cases. The use cases that the chatbot should be able to handle can broadly be split into two categories: documentation and support. The chatbot will have to be able to access a variety of data and documents, supporting the various use cases. Documents will be in the following formats: Word, PDF, HTML and Markdown. The chatbot should be able to call various APIs when answering questions requires it. The European Union has 27 member states, and having the chatbot understanding and replying to queries in the language of the user would be a distinct advantage. The chatbot will provide access to DestinE services and products. The technical selection criteria for the DestinE chatbot focus on demonstrated ML and AI expertise, awareness and understanding of relevant large language models and how they are pre-trained and fine-tuned, and how the results are disseminated. ECMWF intends to award a single contract for a period of 24 months, expected to commence in Q4 2024.

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