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VR simulátor pro nácvik “bezpečných pracovních postupů” pro OSN do Jordánska

Tendr: Supply and Installation of Virtual Reality Simulation System for Safety Training in Jordan (RFI)

Zadavatel: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Deadline pro odpověď: 12/2

In this RFI, UNOPS intends to identify potential suppliers and to gather ideas from industry for the Supply and Installation of Virtual Reality Simulation System for Safety Training.

The Virtual Reality Simulation System will be delivered to Marka Vocational Training Centre in Jordan, and should include goggles, gloves, computer and all required equipment, connections and accessories for full operating system.

 In addition, a software should include the following accident cases but not limited to:

·         Fall and Crash Accident

·         Working from Height

·         Electric Shock Accident

·         Pinching Accident

·         Forklift Accident

·         Liquid Frame Explosion

·         Inattentive Driving

·         Fire Fighting

·         Falling Objects

·         Stumbling

·         Falling Accidents

·         Excessive Speed Traffic Accident

·         Cut Wound

 A training should be provided for five dedicated personnel in Jordan, in addition to minimum of five years warranty for maintenance & hardware.

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