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Velká agentura OSN z Říma potřebuje nový rezervační systém pro nákup letenek



Zakázka: Aviation booking and ticketing system platform
Zadavatel: UN World Food Programme (WFP), Řím

Background: WFP manages the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), a common air transport service, available to a limited number of passengers. The passengers are staff and contractors of humanitarian and relief agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) , diplomatic missions, donors organizations and the humanitarian community. WFP-UNHAS is the largest world’s leading humanitarian airline, with a fleet of more than 70 fixed-wing and helicopters chartered aircraft from over 20 different operators, deployed to various locations around the world often where commercial airlines do not fly.
Average per year, WFP-UNHAS transports 320,000 passengers, in 15 countries, with each country operation running as a different standalone small airline, flying more than 70,000 hours between 600 locations. While the UNHAS services are present in medium and long term relief operations, it is also deploys to sudden onset emergencies caused by natural or manmade events requiring humanitarian aid.

Requirements: WFP-UNHAS is seeking a long term agreement for provision of an aircraft management application with the following minimum set of services required to support WFP user community:
i. Reservations: Create an on-line booking and ticketing system to manage passengers, cargo, routes and airport information
ii. Fleet Scheduling: Contracted aircraft fleet management plus management of flight schedules
iii. Financial management of the different cost recovery models and financial tracking of clients
iv. Management of contracted aircraft including aircraft utilization, fuel records and maintenance tracking
v. Performance measurement of efficiency and cost effectiveness of UNHAS fleet, routes
vi. Develop an on-line/off- line module for Laptop and PDA using GPRS, WiFi, Bluetooth and bar code to replicate to the main system
vii. Interoperability between the Online and WFP Aircraft real time tracking system
viii. Initial and recurrent user training including training material
ix. Provide system and user support during all hours of operation for all WFP country operations
Deadline pro žádost o informace: 22/1

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