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UNICEF to hire a production agency to co-produce a video series about playful parenting



Call for: Video co-production series: PLAYFUL PARENTING


Deadline April 11

Project Background

UNICEF defines Parenting as the interactions, behaviors, emotions, knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices associated with the provision of nurturing care. This refers to the process of promoting and supporting the development and socialization of the child. It is the entrusted and abiding task of parents to prepare children, as they develop, for the physical, psychosocial, and economic conditions in which they live, work, play, learn and thrive. Amidst the many influences on child development, parents are critical to children’s development, protection, empowerment, adjustment, and lifelong success.

Moreover, Playful Parenting is of crucial importance for child development and the mental health of children and caregivers. Playful experiences offer a unique context for supportive and rich learning in early childhood. Play helps children learn how to collaborate, innovate and problem-solve, skill sets they’ll need to thrive in uncertainty and to create opportunities for themselves and their communities.

The following articles gives further insight into playful parenting and .

When parents engage in meaningful play with their children, they are not only supporting their child’s development but also improving their own emotional well-being. A recent study in Pakistan for example found that mothers who engaged in a parent-child play activity with their children over a 10-week period had a decline in depressive symptoms.

The LEGO Play Well report found that 9 in 10 parents say play is fundamental to their own happiness and makes them feel more relaxed and energized. 90% of parents say play strengthens family relationships and helps them get to know their children better.

UNICEF has been collaborating with the LEGO Foundation since 2015 to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition and play, for healthy brain development in the earliest years of life.

Parenting Month in June and Mental Health Month in October are opportune moments in the year to promote relevant parenting messages to a global audience. During these moments, UNICEF advocates, raises awareness and raises funds for programs to support and empower Parents globally.


UNICEF is looking to hire a production company/agency of an influential online social media channel experienced in producing parenting content with a global audience in order to co-produce a video series about playful parenting. This content is intended to be distributed on the platform’s channels and UNICEF’s channels as well.

Parents and children’s stories have the power to influence people and move them to action while creating empathy and strengthening connections between children, parents, and family members.

Partnerships and co-creating with institutions, channels and influencers with established content assets and corresponding audience reach enables UNICEF to present our parenting advocacy in new, relevant ways to new and previously inaccessible audiences.

Problem Statement

Cultural myths, stigma, and misconceptions about parenting and play still exist, such as: strict parents raise well-behaved kids, kids need punishment to learn, play is childish etc. Parents don’t always have practical information on how to promote positive interactions with their children and to embed play in households and communities around the world. Many parents don’t get the time and support they need to be with their children. Family-friendly policies, such as paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks and childcare, are not a reality for most new parents around the world.


To co-create innovative, refreshing, and compelling social media video content that:

• Promotes playful parenting and challenge myths, stigma, and misconceptions about parenting and play.

• Supports parents with practical information to promote positive interactions with their children and to embed play in households and communities around the world, creating an environment that allows children to develop their full potential, including the academic and life skills needed to thrive.

• Reaches new and diverse audiences around the world with playful/positive parenting message.

• Inspires conversations about parenting support and encourage investments in parenting policies

Target Audience


• Parents, caregivers, and family networks of kids 0-12 years

• Single-parents, foster parents, interracial couples, adoptive parents, indigenous families, grandparents etc


• Government representatives and agencies

• Development partners

• Private sector

Key Message(s)

• Every child, everywhere should feel safe and loved

• No matter where you come from, who you are, who you love, you can be an awesome parent.

• Special playtime is a chance for you to focus on your child’s good behaviors and build a strong, nurturing relationship. You can use the time to actively listen and practice praising, imitating, and describing your child’s behavior.

• Play is the serious business of children

• Parenting support must start early, be for every child and continue into adolescence.

• Promote parents’ and caregivers’ access to parenting programmes.

Call To Action

• Include deliberate play into all activities while making time to play with your children.

• Embrace positive parenting while rejecting negative practices like verbal and physical abuse.

• Connect to the UNICEF parenting hub and its resources as a support to families.

• Speak up about parental support interventions and parental family friendly policies

Tone of Voice & Style

• Tone should be playful. This video is situated in PLAY.

• This video content, though giving important information about parenting, doesn’t have to be a “serious” video. This is a playful, fun, light-hearted video that should be entertaining.

• Infotainment (information + entertainment) is a great niche for a strong engagement and response rate.

• True, powerful, and inspiring stories are critical for the success of the video.

• We welcome innovative approaches and technology and new video capturing and editing styles.

• It’s important for the concept to work equally well across languages as concept will be transcribed with subtitles in Spanish, French, and Arabic.

The creative team should pitch their best ideas to realize the goals of the brief. We encourage innovative, creative and original approaches.

Examples UNICEF likes: Couples Therapy But The Therapist Is 7 Years Old Kids Describe Their Parents to an Illustrator what would you do to look younger? Moms A trip to the furniture store these parents won’t forget Who Do You Like Better, Mom or Dad?

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