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UNESCO potřebuje otestovat a uklidit “binec” ve svých webech

Tendr: Web overhaul / digital ecosystem renew

Zadavatel: United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paříž

Jazyk: angličtina

Deadline: 31. ledna

Detaily: The purpose of the assignment is to create a new multi-site platform for the web ecosystem and simplify the global architecture of UNESCO website. Contractors shall update technology stack used for websites to the latest standard and ensure graphical coherence between UNESCO and associated websites. The task includes data cross-reference among websites, lists and databases around UNESCO ecosystem that is currently dispersed. The goal is to reduce the number of websites (more than 200 currently) to an easier to understand, structured ecosystem. Propose migrate or archive strategies for outdated websites among UNESCO Ecosystem. Help site owners to revamp their websites through training and helpdesk.

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