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Údržba a podpora pro aplikace používané při onsite inspekcích



Tendr: Call-off Contract for Maintenance and Support of On Site Inspection Software Applications

Zadavatel: CTBTO – The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vídeň

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky: 1/6

Bidder’s Experience

 Experience in managing and executing work of similar scope and complexity. Please provide a description of past projects of similar scope and complexity in the past 5 years.

 Especially focus on experience in developing:  * Asset and configuration management systems; * Software applications connected to complex scientific and technical equipment; * Geospatially enabled data management systems; * Offline browser-based applications; * Android applications.

Experience of staff

 By providing named examples and level of involvement in projects/applications, detail the experience of staff with respect to programming/customising/integrating the following:  HTML  CSS templating, specifically Bootstrap  JavaScript  Typescript  Leaflet  Angular  MobX  Websockets  Java  JHipster  RESTful APIs  Spring Boot  Liquibase  Jasper Reports  Alfresco   Osmdroid  Dagger  Retrofit  Swagger  GPS/GNNS tracking  Serial connection for external scientific hardware  PostgreSQL databases  PostGIS for PostgreSQL  Working with mobile printers and their operation from Android devices  Working with Zebra RFID SDK  Offline enabled Buildpipeline with Docker  Geoserver (its configuration and performance fine tuning)  Remote management of geospatial layers  On-the-fly generation of spatial layers  Offline road routing (network routing)  Working in a multi-way data synchronization across an air-gap  Network access storage devices, specifically QNAP  Superimposing vector data onto a real-world view for training purposes  Configuring servers for use with zero or thin clients, specifically configuring VMware Horizon7 and installing software on servers  Configuring folders and access structures on a server  NDC-in-a-box or OSI-in-a-box


The Commission seeks to establish a Contract with an Initial Call-off Period of two years with an option to extend the Contract once for two years. These Terms of Reference form the technical framework for the provision of on-site and off-site software engineering services for On-Site Inspection (OSI) (hereinafter referred to as “Services” or “Work”).

The following services are sought:

 3.1 Maintaining and enhancing OSI specific software applications

 Training and support for OSI information technology (IT) hardware and software applications at Headquarters

 Training and support for OSI IT hardware and software applications off-site

These ToR define the technical requirements that the Contractor and their services shall meet.  

The volume of Services under the Initial Call-off Period is expected to be about four hundred (400) person-days per year.

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