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The UN Postal Agency needs new online Sale System accessible via Web


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Call: Integrated Sale System Accessible via Web for Customers and Users

Contracting Authority: The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA), New York

Deadline: 26/2

Description: UNPA is the postal agency of the United Nations. It is the only organization in the world, which is neither a country not a territory that is permitted to issue postage stamps. UNPA has 3 main offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna, and a liaison office in Beijing. It is the only postal authority that issues stamps in three different currencies, namely, United States dollars, Swiss franc and Euro. Its mandates are to disseminate information on the activities and achievements of the United Nations and its specialized agencies through the medium of postage stamps, as well as to generate revenue for the Organization. UNPA processes around 37,000 orders per year, which translate to a total sale figure of approximately US$ 4.5 million annually. There are roughly 40,000 active customers and 30,000 SKUs. Currently UNPA has a customized system called Mega-Stamp, which was developed as a specialized sale, inventory management and financial system for UNPA. UNPA also maintains a stand-alone website ( with online store for customers to browse, order and pay for UN stamps and related products. For counter sales system, UNPA uses a third-party software called ERPLY. As of November 2015, UNPA started to use SAP system for all purchases, inventory management, production and capturing of all human resources and other operational expenses. It also uses SAP to consolidate sales from various legacy systems mentioned above and use it for financial monitoring and reporting purposes. It is UNPA’s objectives to replace the older Mega-Stamp, website and ERPLY systems with an integrated system accessible via web (i.e. web based system) that can be made to integrate with the SAP system.

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