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Tendr na “fyzické zabezpečení” Agentury pro atomovou energii ve Vídni se rozbíhá


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Tendr: Physical Security Platform

Contractror: IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna

EOI deadline 30/4

1. Physical Security at the IAEA

 The IAEA is utilizing a Physical Security Platform (PSP) which was deployed in 2007 at the IAEA Headquarters (Vienna, Austria) and later rolled out across the Agency’s premises in Seibersdorf (Austria). IAEA Safeguards Office of Information and Communication Systems (SGIS) is responsible for providing physical and information security services. For the purpose of this Request for Expression of Interest (EOI), the focus is on the IAEA Headquarters, where approximately 900 doors of various types are protected by the PSP. Two proprietary platforms currently provide access-control and intrusion\alarm management functionality. Additionally, there is a video surveillance system (Milestone X-Protect) which is integrated with the alarm management platform. Together, these three components make up the IAEA’s PSP. Existing peripherals consist of proximity cards, Wiegand enabled card readers, electronic locks, motion detectors, magnetic contacts, strobes and sirens.

2. Identification of a Business Need

It has been more than ten years since the design and implementation of the current PSP. Considering this, IAEA would like to explore whether a more secure, nonproprietary (open), architecturally simpler and more cost-efficient on-premise solution can be identified and deployed. This EOI is targeted towards manufacturers, authorized resellers and system integrators (hereinafter referred to as “Vendors”) to provide information on their PSP.  

The preferred PSP shall fulfil the following criteria: 

 1. Standards based; 2. Non-proprietary and supports an open architecture; 3. Internet Protocol based; 4. Integrates access-control, intrusion detection and alarm management functionality; and 5. Has multiple regional support and maintenance options available.

To reduce associated costs, the preferred scenario would allow for the reuse of most of the peripherals mentioned in the section above. The IAEA might also consider adopting new proximity cards and card readers based upon open standards (e.g. Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP)) if such a migration were shown to result in benefits, such as greater confidence for detecting potential tampering scenarios and associated cost savings in other areas (wiring\intrusion detection).

2nd phase (after EOI) Request for Proposal

 1. IAEA facilitates an on-site visit for the selected Vendors to inspect IAEA premises (e.g. wiring, layout, distances etc.);

2. Selected Vendors will be requested to provide detailed technical proposal for migrating one floor (70-80 doors) to their proposed PSP, including a fixed price cost for conducting pilot which shall include: 

 a) Hardware controllers; b) Software\Licenses; and c) Labour effort and timeline. Although the pilot may consist of between 70-80 doors, if the benefits are understood to be significant, the platform would need to be scalable and accommodate approximately 900 doors. Proposals should consider all aspects of implementing the integrated access-control, intrusion and alarm management system for a single floor, consisting of approximately 70-80 doors and considering IAEA’s existing requirements, wiring, and peripherals.

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