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Světová zdravotnická organizace potřebuje vytvořit interaktivní mapu světa na míru

Call for Design and development of an interactive world map

Contracting Authority: World Health Organization, Geneva

Closing date: April 16

Purpose of the project: The purpose of this project is to design and develop a technical solution for a modern, flexible and interactive world map which can ideally be updated in house. It will serve as a digital communications product to visually represent worldwide distribution of data and recent trends in global public health. The solution should include interactive and engaging functionalities, such as hover effect, zoom effect, pins, social sharing, filters and others. The new interactive map will have the need to be repurposed for multiple sets of data and concepts; therefore, it should be possible to replicate it easily. With the help of this project, we aim to achieve better user experience, engagement and higher conversion rates of clicks and page views.

Work to be performed: 1. Propose the best technical solution for developing an interactive map that can be easily repurposed for future projects involving the use of data and maps.  2. Use the WHO official map coordinates as the baseline for further development. 3. Add desired functionalities, including the possibility to upload multiple layers of data, filters, hover effect on countries, zoom effect, pop-up window with featured text, visual and link, social media sharing, and others. 4. Incorporate Google Analytics as the data measurement tool. 5. Maintain WHO visual identity and use an appropriate colour scheme. 6. Communicate with the project team in Geneva promptly and fix any issues and bugs that may arise during the project development and implementation. Stick to the deadlines. 7. Provide technical assistance and support for three months after the project ends. Any new functionalities and development is out of the scope at this stage. It includes only the maintenance of existing technology and functionalities.

Technical specifications: • Technical specifications may change depending on the chosen technical solution.  • The chosen technical solution has to work on all major browsers, including the Internet Explorer, and devices, such as desktop, tablet and mobile.  • The chosen technical solution has to be of relatively small bandwidth, so it can be accessible even from remote areas with poor internet connection.  • The chosen technical solution needs to be either Drupal-based or HTML-based, with CSS and JavaScript.

Deliverables – Phase I: • Delivery of functional, interactive world map with the ability to zoom in on countries, hover effect, and interactive pop-up window with content, such as text, images, videos and links. • Fully implemented CSS styling Phase II: • Implementation of any outstanding functionality, such as the filter and social media sharing. • Implementation of any outstanding or new updates and content edits. • Delivery of the final product, clear from bugs and system errors.

Timeline: Deadline to submit the proposal: 16 April 2018 Project phase I delivery:  15 May 2018 Project phase II delivery: 29 May 2018 Start of technical support and maintenance: 30 May 2018 End of technical support and maintenance: 1 September 2018

Place of performance: Work is going to be performed off-site.

Status of the provider: The provider shall be a for profit institution operating in the field of digital communications and/or data visualization with proven expertise in these fields.

Previous experience: Previous work with WHO, other international organizations and/or major institutions in the field of: web design and development is desirable. Proven experience in: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Drupal, MySQL, web design and UX/UI is required.

Staffing: Minimum staffing required for this project is an experienced project manager, a designer and a developer with at least 3 years of experience in a relevant field. Resumes of all members of the project team must be part of the proposal.

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