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Social Media Support & Web Content Management pro Evropský patentový úřad do Vídně. Ideální pro slovenskou agenturu

Tendr: Podpora sociálních médií a úpravy obsahu

Zadavatel: Evropská patentová organizace (EPO), Mnichov nebo Vídeň

Deadline pro podání nabídek 22/11

Vybraní kandidáti budou pozváni na ústní prezentaci do Mnichova, proběhne pravděpodobně 4/12.

Vítěz získá kontrakt na 60 měsíců

Tendr je rozdělen na dvě samostatné/na sobě nezávislé části:

Lot 1: Social Media Support

Profile of the Supplier – either of the following:

* Social media agency

* Web agency with in-depth social media competence and dedicated specialist staff

* Communication agency with in-depth social media competence and dedicated specialist staff

Deliverables corporate channels – Support to the social media manager upon request with:  Content creation, content editing, content revision (blog and other channels)  Day-to-day social media promotion (e.g. proposing, seeking approval of, posting  messages in EPO social media channels)  Proposing, planning, creating content for, running, monitoring, reporting on campaigns  Creating dedicated videos (from scratch, i.e. including filming, e.g. interviews at events) and video cuts (based on existing raw material or longer video versions) in line with EPO brand guidelines  Creating dedicated visuals, including interactive visuals in line with EPO brand guidelines  Seeding  Setting up interactive competitions / apps / etc.  Setting up polls  Setting up live-streaming of events  Setting up “Tweetwalls” at EPO events  Live-tweeting from EPO events  Setting up live Q&A sessions

Deliverables Monitoring and Reporting:  Monitoring performance of EPO communications in social media  Monitoring defined topics and keywords related to the EPO and Intellectual Property in general in social media  Reporting from the monitoring  (ad hoc, monthly, annual, per campaign), in particular monthly reporting for the recruitment channels

Deliverables Advertising:  Proposing, seeking approval of, creating, posting, paying for and analysing effectiveness of ads on social media

Deliverables Consulting:  Providing recommendations for strategic orientation of EPO social media  Providing feedback on / challenging proposals on strategic orientation and daily business in EPO’s social media  Consultancy for assessment of past campaigns and identifying improvement potential  Consultancy for blog (  Consultancy for drafting / updating social media guidelines for EPO employees  Consultancy for employee engagement   Training for EPO staff   Consultancy for visual creation (e.g. creating EPO’s visual style for social media) including infographics  Consultancy for video creation (e.g. providing inputs for or feedback on videos created by internal departments or other contractors)  Consultancy for community management (e.g. how to handle fake accounts)  Consultancy on monitoring and reporting  Review of channel branding (how well the EPO brand is reflected in its social media channels)  Consultancy to achieve more interaction and engagement in recruitment channels

Lot 2: Web Content Management / Editing

Profile of the Supplier:  Web agency with in-depth content management competence and dedicated specialist staff  Communication agency with in-depth content management competence and dedicated specialist staff

Deliverables:  Content editing in the content management system Apache Lenya   Content editing in Lotus Notes as a document management system  Content editing in HTML   Layout of pages   Implementing house style guide rules: web layout, language consistency.  Managing content contributions by  o Providing constructive feedback,  o Reviewing others’ work,  o Advising on content quality and layout issues,  o Prioritising workload according to the business priorities of the EPO: taking shifts in processing requests coming to the online team’s email inbox according to defined rules. o Applying rules specified by the EPO (documentation to be provided) in the context of intellectual property topics.

Service Conditions: EPO requires the agency to provide the services of the web content manager at one of EPO’s offices in Vienna or Munich on site. This position should be based in one of the named EPO locations. EPO working hours are 07:00 to 19:00. The supplier has to ensure 8 working hours availability and service delivery within this period, ideally aligned with the working hours of the respective business unit (08:00 to 17:00). Therefore the supplier has to appoint dedicated personnel for EPO service delivery and implement a replacement solution for planned and unplanned absences. Flexibility to occasionally deliver the services in the evenings and on public holidays/weekends is required. Some travel will also be needed to attend key events or team meetings. Travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed in line with the contract. Laptop, VPN token and a mobile phone enabling remote access to EPO systems would be provided by the EPO.  On-boarding and training would take place at the Munich or Vienna offices of the EPO. Physical presence may be required for delivering the contracted service at meetings, workshops, conferences, events etc. at the EPO branch in Munich, Germany or EPO branch in Vienna, Austria as well as other locations (up to 4 times a year for 1-2 working days).

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