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Služby video streamingu pro UN Agency z Vídně



Tendr: Provision of Multi-Language Audio Video Streaming Services

Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna

Zatím běží “předběžná” fáze Request for Information, kdy chce zadavatel zjistit možnosti na trhu. Následně bude vyhlášet tendr a zájemci dostanou podrobnou dokumentaci.

RFI deadline 1/6

Kontrakt na 5 let (3+2)

Technical Specifications and Requirements

1. Scope As per the current operations and procedures, most of the conferences, high-level meetings and other broadcasts will be recorded, streamed and available internally for the IAEA staff only. 

 The IAEA streams up to 100 conferences and meetings per year (each conference or meeting can take place over several days and require multiple recordings and/or live streams), allowing the IAEA staff members to follow these events live or offline at different day or time. This includes the staff on premises at the IAEA Headquarters as well as at other IAEA offices and locations, including New York, Geneva, Seibersdorf, Monaco, Trieste, Toronto and Tokyo.  In addition, some conferences and meetings are recorded and streamed for the public on the external website ( and social media channels such as Facebook and YouTube. Some recordings and streamed meetings are interpreted into multiple sessions of up to 6 different United Nations languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). 

The IAEA currently has a hybrid system. On-premise hosting is used for conferencing room cameras and microphones (including other audio for simultaneous languages interpretation) which are used as inputs to the encoders via SDI devices. The stream is also displayed on media servers. One on-premise host serves the internal staff and one external host on Azure Media Service serves public streams. The IAEA welcomes proposals for hybrid storage (for example storing of public data on Azure Cloud and all Intranet data on IAEA’s local Storage Area Network (SAN)). In case of Media Server Application requirements, there is VMWare Servers infrastructure readily available. Interested companies are strongly encouraged to provide all types of solutions available as part of their business model, as well as those which will be the best fit for the IAEA. 

Archived recordings of live events can also be accessed as video-on-demand streaming through the utilisation and application of security channels and various access restrictions which are applied in such cases.  A playback feature for the recorded sessions must be made available on all Operating System platforms and Media Players using html5, for example.

The current System is accessible using a dedicated Uniform Resource Locator (URL) streaming link ( The IAEA Intranet users will receive the dedicated URL to the internal media server and all public users will be redirected to the Azure media service. 

2. Firm requisites The following minimum requirements are to be considered: 2.1) The System should ideally be provided as turnkey solution including all necessary components, such as encoders, streaming distribution hardware and storage space for archiving of at least 5 years of all major conferences with video including up to 8 simultaneous different audio channels. (For the calculation purposes the total storage space needed per year is approximately  2 TB).

 2.2) The physical location of data storage (including all back up data) in case of Cloud Storage must be in Europe;

2.3) The multi-language streaming might be necessary to use an SDI or HDMI connections from the conference room system;

2.4) The streaming encoding and distribution service should ideally be done on one single platform but can be done through separate appliances or servers;

2.5) There shall be a local representation in an event of hardware/software malfunction and warranty repairs. In the case of hardware system failure, or ad-hoc repair services, the response time should be from Monday to Friday between 07:00 and 19:00 , the IAEA expects a remote response and to identify the problem within 2 hours. The identified problem should be fixed on site within 4 hours;  

 Software failure response should commence troubleshooting within half an hour from the incident report via an online channel and by using an online meeting system, and should be fixed within 2 hours; 

 The IAEA has several high-level events during the year which exhibit a considerable increase in the number of visitors to the premises and ultimately a higher level of live streaming on daily basis or attendees to these streams. During those times, including outside of the agreed working hours, the IAEA will require immediate response time in an event of any failure;

 2.6) The System access capacity should cover approximately 2,000 users internally and around 5,000 users externally; and

 2.7) The IAEA will engage MTIT’s System Administrators who will assist during the implementation phase of the project with providing information pertaining to the firewall rules, network settings, configuration and other related services. 

3. Technical Specification The following minimum technical requirements are to be considered: 

3.1) Live Audio Video (AV) streams are recorded offline (storage); 

3.2) Live AV streams include up to 8 audio channels simultaneously; 

3.3) Offline recorded AV streams include all audio channels up to 8 channels in the offline   stream file;

3.4) Offline recorded AV streams have restriction sets based on the authorized group or users;

3.5) Offline recorded AV streams are possible to edit at a later stage and to add/remove or   merge;

3.6) Live or offline recorded AV streams should be possible to set indexing points (index   marker) along with comments and links to external resources such as office files; 3.7) Live or offline recorded AV streams should be possible to search for indexing points sets;

3.8) Live AV streams should be possible to stop and resume recording offlive session during   the conference break;

3.9) Live AV stream integration with SIEM or syslog for auditing should be made possible;

3.10) Live or offline recorded AV streams should be possible to perform from any location   which has proper Internet connectivity and access to storage and input resources, such as   cameras, microphones and screen display/projectors;

3.11) Live AV streams should be possible to stream local video files as input instead of external   input such as camera and microphone (for example during the meeting a Member State   representative should be able to send an offline video file to a representative who could   not join the stream);

3.12) Live AV streams should be possible to stream live to social media such as Facebook, and   YouTube when required (should also work in parallel to the live web stream);

3.13)    Live or offline recorded AV streams should have a high availability infrastructure (99.90   %);

3.14) Console and communication should be encrypted based on SSL for transition and End-to  End for classified conferences;

3.15) Console looks and style design should be adaptable to the IAEA’s Intranet (SharePoint   online Intranet);

3.17) Multiple browser html5 support (Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Safari); 

3.18) Play video and support multiple audio switch;

3.19) Live AV streams should support multiple video formats for better performance and equal   quality on smartphones, desktops, Notebooks and Tablets; 

3.20) Integration with a performance monitoring system such as Monitis or provide own    internal monitoring system for the solution or SNMP monitoring (please elaborate); 

3.21) Possibility to register external users when they access public videos and avoid    anonymous registration; and 

3.22) Live AV streams should allow pausing of the live stream, but still being able to maintain   recording of live sessions (not to be shared with external parties). The recording will then   only be available later for participants only and not to any live stream attendees.

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