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Rada Evropy hledá konzultanty pro oblast počítačové kriminality



Cybercrime divize Rady Evropy (Council of Europe, Strasburg) vypíše tendr na “Consultancy services on cybercrime and electronic evidence”. Zájemci musí projevit zájem do konce ledna 2020, vybraní uchazeči pak dostanou celou zadávací dokumentaci.

Required expertise: Expertise on cybercrime and electronic evidence:

1. Legislation on cybercrime and related issues (child protection, data protection, terrorist use of information technology, money laundering, telecommunication regulations);

2. Cybercrime and cybersecurity policies and strategies and inter-agency cooperation;

3. Strengthening of specialized cybercrime units;

4. Law enforcement training on cybercrime and electronic evidence;

5. Judicial training on cybercrime and electronic evidence;

6. Financial investigations and prevention of online fraud and money laundering;

7. Public/private cooperation, cybercrime prevention and cybercrime reporting systems;

8. International cooperation.


Consultants will be expected to contribute to the achievement of project objectives and the delivery of expected results. Tasks – depending on the area of expertise – typically include desk studies, on-site missions, training events, workshops and conferences in view of:

▪ Drafting legal opinions on cybercrime and providing advice to countries on the strengthening of legislation and follow up to recommendations from reviews, including data protection, human rights and rule of law requirements;

▪ Providing advice, through meetings and reports, on cybercrime and cybersecurity polices and strategies at technical and senior officials levels, and assessing the effectiveness of measures taken;

▪ Drafting analytical reports on the cybercrime situation and on measures taken by project countries on cybercrime and electronic evidence;

▪ Providing advice, by attending meetings and providing reports, on the strengthening or setting up of specialised (police and prosecution-type or forensic) cybercrime units, including the preparation of operating procedures;

▪ Conducting training courses for law enforcement officials, digital forensic experts, prosecutors and judiciary on cybercrime and electronic evidence, including training of trainers;

▪ Conducting training courses for cybercrime units, financial investigation units, financial intelligence units, financial sector entities and regulators, and assisting in developing cybercrime training scenarios and table top exercises;

▪ Designing guidelines for public authorities and financial sector operators and assisting on the development of inter-agency cooperation;

▪ Providing advice on the development of national training strategies on cybercrime and electronic evidence, designing or adapting training courses and manuals and assisting in the integration into national curricula;

▪ Providing advice, by attending meetings and providing reports, on public/private cooperation, including law enforcement/Internet service provider cooperation in line with data protection requirements;

▪ Assisting in the setting up of cybercrime reporting systems and elaboration of national cybercrime threats assessment reports;

▪ Providing advice, by attending meetings and providing reports on the strengthening of Computer Emergency/Security Incident Response Teams (CERT/CSIRT) and the cooperation with criminal justice authorities;

▪ Providing advice, by attending meetings and providing reports, on the strengthening of 24/7 points of contact for urgent international cooperation as well as on enhancing the efficiency of mutual legal assistance.

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