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Rada Evropy chce rozšířit svůj WebFOCUS o Business Intelligence schopnosti


Zakázka: Framework contract for Webfocus services

Zadavatel: Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Budget €30.000/ročně. Deadline 17/7

1 Scope of the call for tenders: The Council of Europe (CoE) acquired the WebFOCUS reporting tool, published by Information Builders Inc. (IBI), in 2005.  The main framework for using the tool is essentially budgetary and financial reporting. The CoE recently decided to broaden use of the WebFOCUS tool for Business intelligence purposes, implementing the integration, warehousing, quality and data mining components. To do so, it envisages, among other things, broadening the scope of the tool to business users who do not a priori have any IT knowledge.  Ultimately, the user must be able to analyse data in relation to their specific needs. The CoE wishes to set up a framework contract with a company specialising in WebFOCUS technologies and capable of proposing consultancy, assistance, development and training services.

2 Presentation of the Directorate of Information Technology: Within the Council of Europe, the mission of the Directorate of Information Technology (DIT) is to supply the technical and human resources required to operate the IT system and guarantee the proper functioning of the applications platform.  Its tasks are to: * Place at the disposal of the Council and its objectives a flexible, secure and highperformance information technology system, which: o is governed by a coherent policy of use of information technologies, o is based on internationally recognised norms and standards and capable of keeping step with technology, o guarantees the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information and is capable of meeting the Council’s needs for high-tech management of its knowledge and resources. * Develop synergies around the information and communication technologies through training, information and the dissemination of good practices and also to guarantee compliance with the information lifecycle. * Provide customer departments with technological and methodological tools for implementing specific projects. The framework contract will be steered by the Application and Infrastructure Division (API) of the DIT.

3 WebFOCUS within the current IT architecture

3.1 Licences: The CoE has acquired licences to use WebFOCUS on a mono-server mono-core architecture.  The virtual server currently hosts two environments (one test and one production). The current reference version is version 7.7.03 hosted on a server running on Windows Server 2008 R2.  The web services used by WebFOCUS V7 for communication are Tomcat servers 6.0. Migration is in progress from the version of WebFOCUS to a server running on Windows Server 2012 R2.  The web services used by WebFOCUS V8 for communication will be Tomcat servers 7.0.33. The products for which the CoE has acquired licences and has a maintenance and support contract are: Development tools : WF Developer Studio for version 7.7.03  WF AppStudio for version Application components : WF Reporting Server  WF Active technologies  WF Open Portal Interface  WF Portal – User Based Licence  WF Portal unlimited  WF Report Caster Bundle(W/RPT Library)  WF User Administration Services (100)  WF Oracle Adapter  WF ODBC Adapter. WebFOCUS is currently connected to the Oracle E-Business financial management suite via an Oracle connector for the financial commitment and budget implementation data, and also to an SQL Server database via an ODBC Connector driver for the budget preparation data. The CoE envisages gradually extending the connections to other information sources (such as data relating to the planning of the Organisation’s activities and resources stored in SQLServer databases).

3.2 Reports: There are 130 WebFOCUS reports currently available to users.  Only ten or so of these are used intensively and are documented.  Very few of the other reports are documented. These reports use metadata definitions under file format. The number of these files is:  For E-business application around 180 files  For Budget Preparation application around 130 files.The CoE would like to adapt a number of reports, for example to handle the management of multiple currencies, which is a project in progress in the financial management suite, or to facilitate the maintenance of existing reports.  New reports should be developed to meet new needs. The framework contract must enable the CoE to order development services on the basis of profile referenced unit prices.  The framework contract must also provide for a table quantifying costs for reports in relation to their complexity (simple, average and complex).

4 Specification of the needs: The CoE wishes to set up a framework contract enabling it to order engineering and development services based on WebFOCUS technologies. For each new need there must be a corresponding request for a costing, which must then be accepted via a purchase order if work is to proceed.  Orders shall be expressed in the form of results expected in terms of deliverables and performance deadlines. The needs identified will vary in nature:

4.1 Consultancy and assistance: The requirements in this area are as follows (non-exhaustive list):  Technical administration of the WebFOCUS servers   Assistance for report creation   Assistance for creation of User Portal pages  Assistance for implementation of WebFOCUS suite products.  Assistance for migration / version upgrades  Assistance for management of security access rules  Assistance for business views creation   Business analysis in the field of data analysis

4.2 Development: The requirements in this area are as follows (non-exhaustive list):  Maintenance of application directories and metadata definitions  Maintenance and development of reports  Maintenance and development of the Portal pages  Maintenance and development of business views

4.3 Training: This section covers training related to the WebFOCUS suite, in particular (non-exhaustive list):  Use and administration of products  Development of reports   Creation, management and maintenance of business views by advanced-profile users   Training in the use of business views for business users who a priori have no computer skills.

5 Profiles The services shall be provided by categories of staff with profiles specified along the following lines:  Developer (less than three years’ experience in the WebFOCUS environment)  Senior developer (more than three years’ experience in the WebFOCUS environment)  Technical consultant in the field of Business Intelligence  Consultant/business analyst in the field of Business Intelligence  Trainer

6 Places of performance of works and resources available: Depending on the nature of the works, the services shall be performed either on Council of Europe premises or on the service provider’s premises.  These arrangements shall be specified when the purchase orders are drawn up. The service provider shall possess the resources required for performing the works remotely: development environment, workstation etc.

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