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Produkce (animovaných) videí pro jednu z agentur OSN. Kontrakt na 5 let

Jedna z OSN agentur vyhlašuje tendr na Video and Animation Production Services, vítěz dostane kontrakt na 5 let (3+1+1).

Popis: (Agency) produces videos in-house but also relies on external contractors to produce videos and, in particular, animated videos for specific topics and special events… These films tend to be short, up to five minutes or so, although longer films are also made from time to time. (Agency) works closely with contractors, in particular on the scripts, for which it provides scientific and technical guidance. The videos and animations currently posted on the (Agency) YouTube channel.

Deadline pro nabídku: 7. dubna

Více informací pouze pro platící klienty. Pokud máte zájem pošlete mi mail na nebo zavolejte +32-4173-116804

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