Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Poštovní unie OSN potřebuje platformu pro Direct Marketing


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Tendr: Project management services – Direct Marketing Platform

Zadavatel: Universal Postal Union, Ženeva

Deadline: 1/11

Budget: The Vendor shall be remunerated in accordance with the UPU Financial Rules and Regulations, as per the financial offer submitted to the UPU and accepted by the latter; under no circumstances shall such remuneration exceed 40,000 CHF.

Scope of the RFP: This RFP concerns the procurement of a project manager for six months in connection with the Direct Marketing Platform (DIMAP) Phase 2 – Operational and business plan for the UPU Direct Marketing Advisory Board.

Deliverables and outputs – The project manager will deliver the following:

− A finalized and detailed DIMAP project plan;

− A finalized workflow and IT environment;

− Marketing materials (brochure, leaflet, etc.);

− A participation level sufficient to start Phase 3;

− One workshop, including the relevant workshop documentation, for DIMAP participants;

− A final report package for the DMAB meeting in 2020.

Tasks – The project manager will perform the following tasks:

− Secure commitments from eligible designated operators through marketing activities; contacts and dedicated meetings (virtual or onsite);

− Identify other sources of funding to ensure the pre-financing of the DIMAP project;

− Analyse local markets and estimate the market potential for cross-border direct marketing services;

− Organize a kick-off workshop with all committed participants in order to:

• review the market analysis for each participating designated operator

• review the needs for DIMAP IT

• define the workflow for collaboration

• define the operational measures to be taken

• confirm additional sponsors, if needed

The project aims to develop a technical and operational solution to facilitate customized offers and services for cross-border direct mail.

Project background: The main purpose of DIMAP is to act as an online marketplace where requests and offers for cross-border direct marketing campaigns can converge and cross-border transactions can be carried out between the platform’s participants. The objective is to stimulate new demands for direct marketing on a global scale, from physical business communications to omnichannel solutions. Thus creating opportunities for the inbound (client side) and outbound postal operators (delivery of the direct marketing products and campaigns), and open up cross-border business offerings for postal clients with targeted, personal, fast, cost-effective and omnichannel marketing campaigns.

The project is divided into three phases. At the end of each phase, a decision is made. Phase 1 consisted of a study, the final version of which was approved by the DMAB Assembly in April. Phase 2 is now under way and consists of hiring a project manager. Phase 3, the technical component, will begin following the completion of phase 2.

Background: The Universal Postal Union (UPU) was founded in 1874 in Berne, Switzerland, with the main goal of establishing a single postal territory for the reciprocal exchange of letter-post items and adopting common principles for the international postal service in a non-discriminatory manner. Currently comprising 192 member countries, the UPU became a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1948.

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