Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Populační fond OSN hledá vývojáře pro svůj web

Tendr: Web development services

Zadavatel: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), HQ: New York, US

Deadline 26/2

Zakázka je rozdělena na dva samostnatné loty, tj. je možné se hlásit jen do jednoho z nich. Anebo do obou.

Lze pracovat na dálku, je ale třeba zaručit komunikaci v newyorském čase minimálně po dvě hodiny denně (staff working on UNFPA projects can be available for real-time communication for a minimum of two hours in the period between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm New York Time GMT -5).

LOT 1: Development and maintenance of websites for UNFPA global, regional and country offices and thematic programmes, as well as for programmes where UNFPA is an administrative agent.

LOT 2: Quality assurance of websites for UNFPA global, regional and country offices and thematic programmes, as well as for programmes where UNFPA is an administrative agent.

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