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Out-of-the box Event Access Platform for the UN agency



Provision of a UNFCCC event access platform

UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), Bonn

April 2 (EOI deadline)

DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: The UNFCCC secretariat is seeking a qualified service provider for an online platform that will enhance the inclusivity, transparency and effectiveness of UNFCCC events by allowing participants to join meetings virtually and easily obtain real-time event information. The platform aims to provide an accessible and user friendly interface that enables participants to:

– Participate in events in accordance with their registration type;

– Access information related to meetings;

– Select preferences for event content;

– Interact with other conference participants.

The UNFCCC will be looking to invite qualified vendors as part of an upcomig RFP process to submit proposals for the platform, outlining solution details and including their technical capabilities, project management strategies and experience with similar projects. Solutions based on an existing, out-of box solution accompanied by integration services, or on a method for pulling together existing parts of the UNFCCC architecture to build a simple yet effective solution will be both considered equally. The expected selected vendor will play a crucial role in supporting the success of upcoming UNFCCC events.

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