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OSN vypíše tendr na dodavatele vnitřní obrazové navigace pro svoje budovy. Teď zrovna mapuje trh


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Call: Image-based indoor mapping and navigation solution (RFI)

Zadavatel: United Nations Procurement Division

Request for Information (RFI) deadline 16/12

DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: As the central technology provider of the United Nations, Office of Information and Communication Technology (OICT) is working to develop an indoor navigation (wayfinding) solution for staff and visitors at UN premises as Proof of Concept. Of particular focus is to improve the accessibility of premises and services for persons with disabilities in alignment with the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy.

OICT is exploring multiple technologies to enhance accuracy of positioning within wayfinding solutions/applications to improve user experience; including as WIFI, geomagnetics, and beacons/sensors. In addition, OICT aims to implement image-based indoor mapping and navigation for this purpose.

The first target user group is persons who are blind or visually impaired, making positional accuracy of primal importance to ensure safe step-by-step guidance and real time detection of potentional risk/harms to warn users and ensure their safety while using the application.

This application will rely on real-time images and image processing from user devices to determine the users current position as well as detect objects to warn users as necessary.

OICT is requesting information form Vendors or Organisations that can offer image-based indoor mapping and navigation solutions and/or services to improve positioning accuracy.

Relevant entities responding to this Request for Information should:

a) Provide documentation at a high level that details the image-based indoor mapping and navigation solution(s) they own/operate

b) Confirm that they are able to demonstrate the solution if requested c) Provide details on the licensing model for the solution

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