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OSN potřebuje převést data svého “Informačního systému o smlouvách” z Documentum do Sharepointu



Request for Information: Migration of the Documentum repository of the Treaty Information and Publication System to Microsoft Sharepoint

Zadavatel: UN Procurement Division

Deadline: 18/5 pro odpověď (po RFI budou logicky následovat specifické tendry).

DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: The purpose of this RFI is to provide the Treaty Section, OLA, United Nations with a list of vendors in the market with expertise for specialised services, solutions and potential vendors and their capabilities related to the topic above.

Currently, the Treaty Section carries out its programmatic activities and related operations based on a Documentum application (Treaty Information and Publication System – TIPS), developed using Webtop and Content Server.

Treaty Section intends to migrate the Documentum repository to SharePoint, to be hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure.

There are three RFIs associated with this project (please refer to the website of the UN Procurement Division for the related RFIs):

1. Migration of data from the Documentum repository to SharePoint

2. Design and development of a new TIPS application using a modern web framework

3. Design and Development of an integrated publication module based on an Adobe InDesign solution.

The module is intended for the generation of various publications produced by Treaty Section (UN Treaty Series volume, , Multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General-status updates, Circular (depositary) Notifications, Certificates of registration)

This RFI refers to item 1 above, data migration from Documentum to SharePoint.

The Documentum repository contains approximately: 80,000 treaties, 150,000 actions, 500,000 documents (the size of the entire repository is approximately 250 GB).

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