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OSN potřebuje novou online reporting platformu pro sběr dat a jejich analýzu a vizualizaci



Call: Electronic Reporting Platform for data collecting, extracting, analysing and visualizing for UNECE

Contractor: UNECE – The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneve

EOI Phase – Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 20 Sept.

The basic technical requirements for the online reporting system are set out below:

a. The system should allow country representatives to enter the responses directly into the online system interface.

b. The system should allow different country representatives to access the system for coordinating among different authorities and jointly completing the report.

c. The system should support all types of questions present in the reporting template (e.g., descriptive, multiple choice, tables, yes/no questions) and allow direct connection between cells with related answers, to avoid inconsistencies (see point below).

d. To facilitate the input and validation of data, the system should allow for automatic checks and controls. For instance, the system should include in-built prompts to provide an answer to an empty field (where appropriate), or auto-generate sums or criteria for operationality.

e. The system should allow respondents to extract and submit draft versions of the reports to UNECE.

f. Both draft and final versions of the reports should have the possibility to be downloaded in Word and PDF formats for sharing outside the platform (to allow national coordination by a broad range of stakeholders).

g. The system interface should be available in English, French and Russian, as these are official languages of UNECE, and Parties may use any of these languages in their reports.

h. The system interface should include the possibility to make references to the guidance documents to facilitate the input of the information by countries, e.g., by providing links to reference documents or through pop-up explanatory text, such as definitions.

i. The system should allow UNECE and WHO/Europe to provide comments and suggestions for countries and highlight areas for improvement directly in the system.

j. The system should provide an overview of the status of the responses received allowing UNECE and WHO/Europe to monitor progress of countries in their reports.

k. It should be easy to extract data from the data collection system in frequently used formats (extensions) for further analysis by question, specific issue or section of the reporting template, country or reporting exercise.

l. The service provider or developer should provide data analysis and visualisation tools, e.g. via an API (application program interface), to allow for the presentation of the collected data and its analysis.

m. Any future changes and redevelopment of the online reporting system should come with a guarantee that new and old reporting systems will remain compatible for future analysis.

n. The system should be accessible with a limited bandwidth and be mobile friendly to enter the responses from a smartphone or tablet.

The supplier should meet the following criteria:

a. A reliable and well-established institution, with a good reputation and expertise in developing similar online reporting systems.

b. Ability to provide long-term support and continuous maintenance of the electronic reporting platform, at least in the next 3-4 reporting cycles (each cycle is 3 years, so at least 12 years in total), and possibly beyond.

c. In-depth knowledge of multilateral environmental agreements, in general, and specific knowledge and practical experience of analysing complex data sets on environmental and/or public health matters, in particular.

d. Ability to adapt the current template for summary reports in accordance with article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health, adopted by the 4th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (Geneva, 14-16 November 2016), to the requirements of the online platform.

e. Ability to develop a system interface in English, French and Russian.

f. Ability to develop visualisation tools, e.g. via an API (application program interface).

g. Capacity to work closely with UNECE at the stage of adapting the Protocol reporting template to the online format.

h. Possibility to set up a pilot system to be tested by a group of volunteer countries.

i. Capacity to provide ongoing assistance to countries and the secretariat after the initial set-up of the system, i.e. within the hosting, maintenance and data analysis period.

j. Capacity to review the system functionalities and to make adjustments, changes, as necessary.

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