Zadavatel: United Nations Procurement Division (UNPD), Ženeva
Typ poptávky: Request for information (tj. účastníci budou později vyzváni k podání nabídky)
Deadline 4/10
Background: The Division of Conference Management in Geneva services approximately 12,000 meetings for more than 240 clients per annum, a quarter of which include simultaneous interpretation in official languages of the United Nations.
Purpose: Meeting delegates increasingly require options for ‘no-fly events’ and/or to participate in meetings that minimise carbon footprint and reduce travel costs. Whilst traditional mediums such as video-teleconference and telecommunications applications are in use, experience has shown that such platforms can limit the interactive nature of dialogue when a large number of participants/locations are connected simultaneously and/or that they are best suited to a meeting format of presenter versus audience. The purpose of this RFI is to request information on virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) solutions that can enable remote participation in meetings of large numbers of participants in highly dispersed locations and that simulate the interactive qualities of physical meetings. Specifically, it seeks to identify vendors that can provide VR/AR/MR solutions that require minimal specialist hardware and low bandwidth to address this need.
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