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OSCE bude opakovat tendr na nákup Event Registration System (Saas)



Zakázka: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Event Registration System

Zadavatel: Sekretariát Organization for Security and Co‐operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna, Austria

OSCE vyhlašuje tento tendr už napodruhé, první z loňského listopadu bez uvedení důvodu zrušil (zřejmě se nikdo nepřihlásil).

Doba trvání kontraktu: max. 5 let

Deadline: 22/6

Key Functional Requirements – Essential functional requirements of the desired system are:

  1. Event Management: OSCE Event Registrars must be able to create and manage events and their participants. The system must be flexible and allow basic customisation of event titles, logos, descriptions, and additional information sections. The system must allow the upload, approval, and distribution of event and session specific documents by authorised users;
  2. User creation and management: OSCE and external users must be able to create their own ERS user accounts or have them created for them by Event Registrars or System Administrators. Event Participants will be able to enter their information once and subsequently register for any further event they wish to attend without being required to re-enter this information. The system must allow Event Registrars to set event-specific attributes for Participants, including marking Participants as VIPs, indicating their affiliation, placing them in groups, or tagging them as speakers, moderators or other roles;
  3. Event Registration: participants must be able to register for events using configurable, event specific forms that will gather all necessary participant data for that event. It will be possible to configure approval workflows for selected events;
  4. Reporting and Printing: The system must allow Event Registrars to create, export and print lists of participants for each event (Excel export is essential), print badges, and generate reports and statistics about events and their participants;
  5. Extensibility: The system must have the capability to be upgraded and extended with additional functionality/modules for handling more general event management functions, including Room Management, Task Management, Facility Management, Equipment Management, Catering etc.

Background: The OSCE Secretariat organises up to 500 conferences, workshops, and meetings per year, attended by approximately 10,000 participants. Most events take place in the Vienna Hofburg. CLS is responsible for organising the majority of events, although some are organised by other OSCE organisational units. In total there are approximately 30 event organisers in the OSCE Secretariat. At the current time CLS handles registration activities for all events, including those organised by other OSCE organisational units.  Currently there is no specialised IT system for the management of event registrations at the OSCE. Event attendees are managed manually using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Tracking all details and modifications in these spreadsheets is complex, time-consuming, and error-prone.

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