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Organizace OSN pro výživu a zemědělství hledá experty na digitální inovace



Program digitálních inovací pro FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization, spadá pod OSN, sídlí v Římě)
Zakázka: Digital Innovation Programme (Request for Information)

FAO chce oslovit možné dodavatele digitálních inovací pro svou IT divizi. Tady je stručný popis: FAO’s IT division intends to setup the Digital Innovation Programme to deliver several products and improvements throughout the next few years. It will provide services, data and information for the diversity of stakeholders in the value chains, facilitating capacity building and empowering authorities and companies to provide better services to beneficiaries in the field… The Digital Innovation Programme includes the development of a Digital Innovation Ecosystem and FAO Digital Integrated Platform, bringing the farmers, suppliers, governments, private partners, civil society and the Organization together based on a human-centred design approach. The initiative will focus on rural households, youth and self-employed entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector promoting replicability and scalability of global services.

Ve fázi RFI je třeba jen zpracovat a odeslat základní informace o zkušenostech a poskytovaných/nabízených službách. Deadline pro RFI je 11. května v pravé poledne. Je take být registrován na UNMG portálu.

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