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Online tools to share the information among community for WMO, Geneva

EOI: To operate and maintain the WMO Community Platform on a set of online tools (Dynamics 365, CRM, Drupal)

Zadavatel: The World Meteorological Organization, Ženeva

EOI deadline: 10/3

Background: The WMO Community platform consists on a set of online tools to ensure exchange of information, connecting experts and of sharing the information among its community. The platform has been build using a combination of Dynamics365- CRM Portals and Drupal. All the tools are connected through Web Services and Single Sign (Azure AD).

WMO is seeking a commercial provider to operate and maintain the WMO Community Platform. In addition, the provider will on request assist in the continued evolution of the system to ensure continued relevance to WMO business processes and drivers.

Platform Description: The WMO Community platform consists on a set of online tools to ensure exchange of information, connecting experts and of sharing the information among its community. The platform has been build using a combination of Dynamics365- CRM Portals and Drupal. All the tools are connected through Web Services and Single Sign (Azure AD). In the Dynamics 365 and CRM portals the following tools have been developed:  Experts Database (Dynamics365): personal information, affiliation, group membership, meeting attendance, skills, CV (sharepoint). (  KPIs: storage of organizational Key Performance Indicators.  Surveys and Newsletters  Online application for WMO learning Courses  Different Sharepoint sites for group sharing and distribution of documents  WMO Country Profiles: a set of questions created by WMO Staff (Dynamics) and answered by External users (CRM Portals)  Event Management  Case-Task Management  Project Management tool (ePM)  WMO Centres: storage of WMO global centres updated by external users (CRM Portals)  Azure SQL Server

All this information is exposed through Web Services to a Drupal 8 Interface:  Extranet: where WMO shares technical documents, news and activities to its technical experts. The group structure from Dynamics 365 is exposed through this web interface. (  Member Profiles: PowerBi reports connected to Dynamics 365, Expert information by country, and exposed in the Member profiles. WMO Centres, and reports from the SQL Server. (  Bookstore: an online store for selling WMO Publications. (  Discussion Forums (

A set of Websites are also maintained by WMO (Drupal 7):  https://public.wmo.inthttps://crews-initiative.org 

A set of Drupal 8 websites with a shared core: o o o o o o o o o

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