Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

New Data Center for WIPO Organization based in Geneva



Tender: Data Center and Application Platform Hosting Services

Contracting Authority: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland

Deadline for the EOI: 25/1

Details: In response to WIPOs needs of implementing the Resilient and Secure Program, the Organization has the intention the enter into a Contract with the most suitable vendor capable of covering:

Service 1: Data Center Service

Service 2: Application Platform Hosting Service.

Service 3: Desktop Management & Support Service (Optional)

The respondents must be able to provide Service 1 and/or Service 2, while the Service 3 is optional for the tender stage at WIPO’s sole discretion. Prior to the tender stage, WIPO is seeking an Expression of Interest (EOI) from appropriate vendors in the above mentioned areas; and to prequalify those who have expertise and experience in providing the relevant services.

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